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Posts posted by umsinger

  1. 9 hours ago, J Mack said:

    I am also weighing U of A and Western, so I know how you feel. I have also heard some concerning things about placements at Western, but looking at their program layout, I think it will be okay. So, most of the first year you are at their in house clinic = guaranteed spot, then the first spring placement off campus doesnt have to be in London so think about how many people will travel home for their placement and then the rest of the summer, I will probably be doing this. So for those staying in London, there are more placements because of that alone! And then in year 2, same thing, you are guaranteed a place at the in house clinic and then there is an off campus London placement, where I could see things get tricky because everyone has to stay in London for this one. But after that, you have your final placement and can do it anywhere = lots of people will go home I imagine.

    This is just my reasoning, hope it helps!

    Since I'm in the program at Western, I thought I would clarify some things about clinical placements.

    Your first clinical placement will be at the in-house clinic from January-April of your first year. It could be in pediatric speech and language, fluency, voice, or neuro depending on your individual trajectory (which you will have an opportunity to discuss in the fall with our Clinical Placement Coordinator)

    The second placement for the majority of students is a full-time external placement (may and june). This can be in London, your home town, or wherever you would like to go. We do have some issues getting placements in the GTA, but that is because the U of T gets priority for their student's placements in those areas. It's not impossible to get a placement in the GTA, but it is tricky. The remaining students remain in the in-house clinic and do a full-time placement and have the option to assist with our summer fluency camp. Whether you stay in-house or go external depends, once again, on your individual trajectory.

    In the fall of your second year, you will do your second in-house clinic placement. If you were in-house during the summer, you will have an external placement in London or the surrounding area (depending on your access to a vehicle)

    New for our class in 2017 will be the full-time month long external January placement. This replaces the former January-April placement in second year. This allows for even more full-time experience. This can be done anywhere in Canada, and since most people go home for winter break, most are opting to stay in their home town to do this placement.

    Then there is a condensed final semester (February - April)

    And of course, there is one more final full-time external placement once you are done classes.

    Our clinical placement coordinator does an excellent job at working individually with students to build a placement trajectory with their interests in mind. You will get a very balanced clinical experience and the opportunity to work with many different populations. Also, the in-house clinic is a fully functional clinic, meaning that you work with real (not simulated) clients in a structured and supportive environment.


    hope that clears things up!




  2. Hi Everyone,

    I am a current first year student in the SLP program at Western. A year ago today I was in your shoes, awaiting an acceptance letter. I love the program here and would be happy to answer any questions about it - if you would like a student's perspective. I can't speak to the other programs because I don't attend them! Please send me a private message and we can chat!

    Congrats everyone!



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