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Posts posted by jhyde

  1. Hi all,

    I am a person with a background in economics, but I have been gaining recently an interest in political science. I was wondering if it would be possible to transition from economics to political science and apply to political science PhD programs. My main interests lie in political economy, political theory, and political methodology.
    I've listed my credentials below.

    - BA in economics from top5 US econ school (gpa: 3.8, in major 3.9)
    - currently working as an RA at economics research institution
    - all my letter writers will be economists

    As an undergrad, I mostly took econ and math courses (math piling up to multivariable calc, linear algebra, and analysis)
    Although not a liberal arts college, the university had a strong focus on liberal arts education, so I took 1yr each of Humanities and Social Sciences courses. (but average grade on those courses were B+, which dragged down my cumulative gpa despite good grades in the major..)

    So given the situation, will my CV be competitive in top10-15 poli sci PhD programs? Any advice/comments are welcome and appreciated.

    Also, can anyone recommend PhD programs that have strong political economy group? I see that schools like MIT and Yale list Political Economy as one of their main fields and Harvard Kennedy School has a separate PhD program in PEG (Political Economy and Government)..


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