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Posts posted by KatieM

  1. I was not impressed with the Georgetown Math/Stats program when checking it out and in conversation with the program chair. I believe that this is a program aimed for students for which the MS is a terminal degree. I do not believe a thesis is required which, from what I understand, is what PhD programs look for in students with a Masters by the time of admission. However, if you are satisfied with the MS and are working full-time and need the flexibility of a night program, Georgetown might be a good fit. The GW program does seem more mathematically rigorous.

    Have you considered UMCP's Applied Math program? It is Metro accessible, and while it is not a night program, it does offer flexibility of students completing the program part-time. Additionally, UMCP's Applied Math program is much more highly regarded than either Georgetown or GW -- but that means the difficulty of admission is greater, I suppose.

  2. Let me chime in, strictly regarding question 3:

    Does it makes sense to take 1 or more classes this Fall to secure faculty recommendations? Does the caliber of the institution weigh a lot on the recommendation? Reason I ask is because I live next door to CUNY Baruch, which is very inexpensive and has recently amassed some well-respected guys in Financial Math.

    I'd go ahead and try to get academic recs, either from your undergrad professors (it never hurts to ask -- honestly!), or from these Masters classes you mentioned. I applied and got into a fairly well-respected PhD program for stats (although it sounds lower-tier than your desires), and it was crucial that I had letters from faculty. I had been out of undergrad for five years teaching at a top-tier private secondary school, and I thought that maybe I could swing recs from just my superiors there, given my good undergraduate record and excellent GRE scores, but my grad program made it clear that I needed academic recs. I took a year of Masters-level classes, did very well in those, had three of my profs from that school write recs, and got into all of the schools to which I applied.

    What's your timeline for applying? Is it feasible for you to take a year and rock out a few classes, like I did, to secure a couple of rec letters? That way, you could get back into student-mode and show your potential schools you're serious about your plans.

    Just my two cents...

  3. That is really sad, because i was seriously considering to go to Rutgers. However, no one wants to have a miserable life. hmm

    Oh, don't forget about it because I said something! I'd feel bad. Go check it out for yourself, or even ask the director for a couple of students' email addresses to have a chat.

  4. P.S Does anyone know the stat program in Rutgers?

    I talked with someone who got a Masters at Rutgers -- said the overall program was very good, but the quality of life among grad students was very low. Almost miserable. While I understand it's a good program, I want to make sure I'm enjoying life a little...

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