I've spent a little while now reading through this forum and am impressed by the number of intelligent and helpful users out there! I'm hoping some of them may have some advice for me.
I graduated with a BA in English and History from a reasonably respectable university with a 4.0 GPA. I've lately developed a bit of an interest in sociology, and regret not having had the chance to take any courses in my undergrad. But one must look forward, and so I ask: what now?
What are the best ways to determine whether sociology is right for me? Reading theory? Reading journal articles? I'd love to hear of anyone's personal experience with sociology: their day-to-day activities, for example, whether in school or in their career, or perhaps what they love/hate about the field?
Should I decide that I do, in fact, wish to pursue sociology, what steps should I take toward admission into an actual program? I'm under the impression that, given the high standards for PhD admission, I'd have no chance without some credible background in the field, presumably in the form of a Master's. I've seen numerous pieces of advice on here about MAs, and those who grant that it's a worthwhile experience indicate that school selection must be undertaken with care. I understand that programs prepare students for various post-MA goals. If I do a Master's, it will be with at least some hope of pursuing a PhD--at the very least, I wouldn't want to close that door so early in the game. But in my (admittedly not yet extensive) search, I've had trouble uncovering very many schools that offer a terminal MA to begin with, least of all ones that are PhD-oriented. Would anyone be able to offer a few names I could look into?
Also, by the by, does anyone have any firsthand experience with the state of the job market?
I know I may appear hopelessly naive to some, but I hope a few of you will take the time to answer at least one of my many questions! (Of course I don't expect comprehensive answers to my entire long post!)