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Texas's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. For those applicants who were admitted, care to enlighten us on what you think made you stand out?
  2. Current students received an e-mail with the following text: "Well, that time is here again as the Ford School is sending out decision letters this week." The text was located within an e-mail notifying us that we can sign up to call accepted students next week. I may be calling some of you. Hey Dagger, do you have any advice regarding the Ford School wait list process? Is getting off the wait list a long shot? Thanks!
  3. I haven't heard a peep, but it's not looking good. It's such a helpless feeling. There must be SOMETHING I can do. I'm wary of being too specific with details on the forum, but to give you an idea I have over 5 years of WE in public policy/politics, and I didn't apply to safety schools. I really won't know what my weaknesses are unless someone from the AdCom is candid with me. Has anyone spoken with a professor/member of the AdCom before reapplying? Begged their way in after being rejected?
  4. I haven't heard from any schools, but judging by all the acceptances posted in this forum re: my schools-of-choice, my chances are looking pretty grim. This is a huge disappointment to say the least. Any advice on communicating with the schools? Should I ask to speak with someone on the AdCom for advice on how to improve my application for the coming year ASAP? Plead to be admitted this year? Write a fat check to the school, and pray it doesn't bounce before they reconsider and offer me admission? Has anyone else experienced this?
  5. Has anyone been waitlisted? Accepted into the part time program?
  6. Did you apply to full time GPPI?? IF so have you heard anything back? Im fairly sure they should be getting all decisions out this week.

    We'll see.

  7. For those of you who have been admitted, has it been to the full time or part time program?
  8. Thanks, natalou, and congratulations! Hopefully they'll continue to trickle out good news for other applicants this week.
  9. Has anyone heard from Michigan yet?
  10. Congrats on your acceptance, Steiner-5! But, that information makes me feel a little worse...like I'll be receiving a light envelope with a politely phrased rejection in the mail very soon. Just so I can brace myself, when do you think GPPI will begin sending email or postal rejections?
  11. I haven't heard a peep from GPPI. I checked my online application today and saw no indication of a decision either way. Is there a glimmer of hope for me?
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