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Posts posted by Transfering

  1. 1 hour ago, Dostoprimechatel'nosti said:

    I believe the OP was enrolled in a grad program in Europe and was denied the student visa needed to remain in Europe and complete the program. 

    Yes this is the case. Problem is that 50% of my program's credits are weighted in the final exam and thesis, so by not having fully completed the program, my transcript looks empty for 4 years of time.

  2. I ended my undergraduate with a 3.7 from a state university. Completed a voluntary thesis on a year-long research project, did some research before that as well, tutored on the side for the library in lower courses. I ambitiously went to study abroad afterward in Europe.

    My first year went horribly, I passed maybe 50% of my classes and struggled with the system. The lectures I did not understand particularly well, the courses were structured differently, information was held in places I only found out later about from other students.

    My second year I took a double helping of courses to catch up, I struggled more and didn't perform particularly great. I was starting to question myself and whether to be there.

    After this, I spoke to my adviser about my options. I was told even foreign students are allowed unlimited time to finish the program. I decided to focus on a major exam coming up without any other courses (as I would fail out if I didn't pass it), then I took a semester off for family events and to reach a better state of mind.

    My fourth year I came prepared with a balanced load for the semester and a lab position lined up as part of the program. However, my visa officer informed me by my renewal that I did not have unlimited time after all. I ended up with 6 months to show progress. However, due to my 3rd year lapse of activity, I had to repeat a major segment of lab work, and I was unable to complete that and sufficient additional progress in time. Now my visa is denied, and I must leave because of that.


    My transcript looks awful, as the program weights 50% of the credits for the final exam/thesis, and coursework only amounts to 25% (which is what I have mostly done). I was extremely unhappy abroad, isolated from social contact, and struggled with the experience but was too stubborn to quit, and the program permitted me to stay. I feel I can perform better in a different environment, where I am not struggling as much with the system as I am with the coursework, and where I am not 1-2 semesters behind trying to catch up. I was on top of things during my undergraduate degree, but because of my failure here, I fear I will automatically fail any application.

    Do I have a shot at any grad school in chemistry?

    Do I have a shot at any grad school in a field related to chemistry?

    Do I have a shot at a job?

    Is there something I can do to bounce back from this so that I have a shot at one of the above? This can include courses elsewhere, a different sort of job, something to demonstrate that I can still be worthwhile. I am not expecting a top university of course. I would like to know whether my life still has some prospect of a career.

    Thank you for your time.

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