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Everything posted by SumanthK

  1. Please review, Thanks. Essay: Extinction of one species is the beginning of other species that is how the ecosystem works. so, society should make efforts to save endangered species only if the potential extinction of those species is the result on human activities As stated by Darwin, "Survival of the fittest" which basically means there is well structured life cycle for every species on this earth and a scheduled existence of particular species. If any species is getting extinct by nature then its an scheduled extinction So making efforts to save these extinction species will not help in any manner, rather could disturb the system by stopping the other species to come in to existence. Allowing the natural extinction to happen helps in maintaining the ecological balance, as we can see extinction of dinosaurs made human life possible on earth. what if someone has saved dinosaurs from extinction ? We might not have present environment. So save species from natural extinction is just a waste on time and money which will actually doesn't make any good. Meanwhile saving the extinction species will be helpful to that species as every being has desire to live. It is better to follow the eco system than interrupting the flow. Therefore, society should save extinction species only if it is a result of human activities.
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