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Posts posted by all_things_optimized

  1. Speaking for UW Stats, submit GRE score only if it's really good. Otherwise don't bother. At best, there is an epsilon boost to your profile if you submit an 80%+ score. Reporting average scores will hurt you however. It's not recommended for bio-stats. Also, as a tip, make sure to apply for both the statistics and biostatistics programs at UW -- you can pick from among them later, and having admits in both gives you the option to switch almost seamlessly between the two later on, if you desire.

  2. Hi everyone,

    I will be joining the Statistics PhD program at University of Washington this fall. I am curious about the reputation it holds in the research circles. It might seem odd that I'm asking this after deciding to join the program, but my reasons are below. I'll be co-advised by two professors: one with primary appointment in statistics (well known in ML, Bayesian methods, and time series circles). My co-adviser is from the applied math department and specializes in numerical optimization and applications in ML.

    My undergrad was in electrical engineering. Recently UW got back to me saying that a committee was formed to assess coursework, and I have to take a few additional theoretical statistics and probability courses to catch up. This will reduce my research time and I am also not that keen on theoretical statistics, since my interests are in applied machine learning and optimization.

    I have a few options after discussing with my advisers: (a) I can choose to be in statistics, TA my way for the first year (while doing the courses), and get into research mode from next year; (b) I can switch departments to either applied math (my co-adviser's home dept) or EE (where my primary adviser has an affiliate appointment). This will give me a bit more flexibility in coursework and allow me to start research right away.

    I am not 100% sure about academia vs industry post PhD. How reputed in UW statistics with regard to faculty positions (I know faculty jobs are hard for anyone, but relatively..)? Does the distinction between statistics, EE, or applied math matter for industry (I'll be working with the same advisers regardless of home dept)? Should I stick with stats or move? Thanks!

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