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    Austin, TX
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berkeleybear06's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. I think it depends on what you want to do with the MPP. The LBJ School waives out of state tuition in some cases and many times gives fellowships. Its ranked 9th in Social Policy and 10th in Policy Analysis. If you're sticking around the east coast might try Georgetown... but i dont know that they give a whole lot financial help...
  2. Inquired yesterday only to get an email saying the exact same thing as the wait list email "April 30th". I'm pretty much done waiting, heading to The LBJ School ($) Best of luck though!
  3. For what its worth i dont think you could go wrong with any of those programs (all top notch). I just sent in my confirmation to attend LBJ. The education ranks up with the best, it is affordable, and Austin Texas is an amazing place to live. As far as the MGPS program goes, it is fairly exclusive and given the international direction that the new dean wants to go, the program is just going to get better and better. Good Luck!
  4. Headed to the LBJ School at The University of Texas for my MPAff. Hoping for the MPAff/MBA Dual Degree.
  5. Waitlisted... and the beat goes on...
  6. That's great information, i was under the consideration that they had not sent out any rejections thus far. In addition, there seems to be some pretty strong applicants that have yet to hear back, perhaps all hope is not lost. Good luck everyone.
  7. This might be a tough question to answer for some folks: Of those of you who have not heard back (i'm in that boat) who would be sincerely surprised if they did not get in (aka you have already received admittance from comparable if not "higher ranking" schools)? I would be surprised if I got in... NYU was a bit of a stretch for me.
  8. I had every piece of the application in by Jan 7th. Have not heard a thing... i have no clue what they are doing. I assume more people are getting in, if not why haven't they sent out rejections... I'm less optimistic about $.
  9. yup yup, im still waiting as well... hope we get some news soon.
  10. I'm in the same boat... No word from Wagner. Anyone got a clue on the status?
  11. Got my "official letter" today via email (no funding). If i decide to attend i need calculus as well, i think i would enroll in the basic calc class at the community college here in Austin (gets the job done and is much cheaper). Although Camp LBJ looks like it could be interesting, i would most likely stick with my job until at least the first week in Aug, but if you didnt have anything else holding you down, go for it.
  12. Is it at least green?? PS Where else did ya apply???
  13. Thanks for the info! Good luck!
  14. I know Georgetown offers feedback after May !st. Texas w/o really knowing your stats i wouldn't know what advice to offer. I think the easiest thing to improve (unless you did really well) would be your GRE Scores. I did REALLY bad on my verbal, completely ignored the section in studying and put my efforts into the math. If i was to reapply i would bust out some flash cards and go to town. Other than that, buff up on npo volunteer biz. If you do live in Texas, let me know, i sit on a few different np boards and committees across the state and would love to help if i can. NOT TO MENTION YOU HAVENT BEEN REJECTED YET!!! So hang in there. Im one up one down with 2 to go....
  15. I second that, did my undergrad at Berkeley then took a job here in Austin. I love it and was pretty excited to get into LBJ.
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