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  • Application Season
    2017 Fall

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  1. So, we are thinking business casual for day-of-interviews and then dressy casual for the other days, even if we'll be attending presentations/poster sessions/receptions, unless otherwise indicated?
  2. Thanks everyone for the input! Following the sentiment of suits being overkill for men, would a pantsuit outfit for women similarly be overkill or "just right" or "perfect for only schools that don't instruct us to dress for comfort"? I was thinking of going for a button down viscose shirt with a blazer/matching slacks (not the outfit pictured below, that's just an example). Should I try to dress it down a bit? Go for a 3/4 length blazer / no blazer at all?
  3. This topic has been addressed in bits and pieces throughout the forum -- I thought it might perhaps be helpful to consolidate further discussion in one thread. Personally, one pressing concern has been dressing professionally in freezing temperatures. Based on previous feedback, I'll most likely go with a blouse/slacks/blazer combo under a heavy coat (which I still need to find... if anyone has an affordable suggestion, I'm all ears ), but I'm still not sure what to do about shoes. Heels would not be wise, and my little California boots would not withstand snow very well -- plus, I've been told that I shouldn't wear leather, as that will be easily ruined. I've looked up waterproof winter boots -- although sensible, they would not go very well with professional attire. Any suggestions would be very much appreciated
  4. When I called, they said interviews would be sent by Friday. They might still send them tomorrow!
  5. That is pretty freaking cute.
  7. Yeah, that is fair. I like this school but it's not in my top 2. But it's not a Felicia either
  8. How likely are they to squeeze additional candidates into full weekends? Having a wee bit of that issue myself filled up in less than 48 hours. And the alternative weekend conflicts. I just sent an email to grovel with dignity. Let's see how that pans out hahah
  9. What was odd about them? I've definitely had an interesting application season with them thus far.
  10. I just tried calling, got transferred to a few people, but no luck on an answer... perhaps will try again later. they definitely got them out earlier last year...
  11. anyone happen to know when uchicago cancer bio interviews are?
  12. well...that explains it hahaha. jk. there is always hope! they haven't sent them out yet
  13. you, me and @pitchfork can be friends
  14. Nearly had a heart attack. ANyone else apply to weill cornell immunology?
  15. Definitely will be looking for those posts! Thanks!
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