Program Applied To: (MPA, MPP, IR, etc.) I wanted to attend a school with an MPA program with a specialization in Emergency Management, which definately decreases the amount of schools
Schools Applied To: UC Denver, Seton Hall, North Texas, NDSU, CSU Long Beach
Schools Admitted To: Denver
Schools Rejected From: none yet.
Still Waiting:the rest
Undergraduate institution: University of Washington- by way of Eastern Oregon University and St. Marys College of Maryland
Undergraduate GPA:3.5
Last 60 hours of Undergraduate GPA (if applicable):
Undergraduate Major: Political Science, minor in Earth and Space Science
GRE Quantitative Score:500
GRE Verbal Score:500
GRE AW Score:4- yikesssssss
Years Out of Undergrad (if applicable):0
Years of Work Experience:0
Describe Relevant Work Experience: internships with state house campaign, us senator, a non profit and now for a city
Strength of SOP (be honest, describe the process, etc): took FOREVER, but I think it ended up good
Strength of LOR's (be honest, describe the process, etc): Made up for my GRES i think:)
Other: GOING TO DENVER:) it was my number 1 choice