Pinot Meow
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Everything posted by Pinot Meow
After you accept you'll have to submit a "declare fellowship status plans" form that lets you change institution and field of study.
To quote someone on Reddit: "You get a third review if you've moved on in the selection process, otherwise you only get two reviews." I'm unsure if that's true but my third reviewer also gave a recommendation.
Forgot to add: Life sciences - microbial biology.
Wow I woke up to some great news. Senior undergrad awarded with VG/VG G/E E/E. I'm kinda surprised considering my second reviewer.
Got an invitation to interview with UIUC MCB! February 24-25.
Thanks! It is acceptance to a lab. My POI made it sound like the application is more of a formality, that the main criteria is a lab to take you. I think they do rotations but all rotating labs have to agree to sponsor you as well. The website isn't very clear IMO.
Got accepted to University of Arkansas CMB -- it doesn't sound glamorous but I love the area and the lab I'd be in (and the generous fellowship I qualify for)!
Just got an email from UIUC MCB (mini heart attack) saying decisions will be made mid-to-late January for domestic applicants and February for international.
Thank you!! Best of luck to you! We'd emailed back and forth about research earlier this year so didn't talk much in the call. I'm not a great auditory learner so I don't remember exactly, but she mentioned seeing my application and being the one to call, the interview dates, and that I'd be contacted by email as well.
I'm sure it'll come soon! My phone call came from the PI I'm specifically interested in so maybe it was a little quicker that way.
I just got a phone call and interview invite from Duke Genetics and Genomics!
Yeah, and I'm not too fond of the state to be honest, but I really do like the lab I'd be in.
Thank you both so much! I mainly posted to make sure I wasn't out of my mind for applying to Duke/UIUC, but it looks like now I have quite a bit to think about. It's kinda hard to consider not staying along the lines of what I'm passionate about and experienced in. New is a little scary!
So, I want to continue in my field of research (which is relatively narrow), so I asked my PI for recommendations. The schools I've listed have labs of interest that are accepting students for Fall 2017. Comments, critiques, concerns? Thanks! Undergrad Institution: State schoolMajor(s): MicrobiologyMinor(s):GPA in Major:Overall GPA: 3.81Position in Class: Not sure, probably towards topType of Student: Female minority GRE Scores (revised/old version):Q: 158 (70%)V: 164 (94%)W: 5.0 (93%)Research Experience: 3 years in one lab one project with two poster presentations and I'll be an author on a pub this spring one project for honors thesis with one poster presentation miscellaneous projects here and there Summer intern at Albert Einstein College of Medicine 6 months in another lab, more of my entry into research than anything else Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Departmental scholarships LSAMP Scholar Pertinent Activities or Jobs: Lab assistant for yet another lab Any Miscellaneous Accomplishments that Might Help: Special Bonus Points: My field is pretty small, so my PI's name has weight, which I hope will come in handy. Applied for GRFP Lots of experience with anaerobic growth, necessary for aforementioned narrow field Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter: I don't think there's much other than a lack of pubs.Applying to Where: (I was submission-happy this week after the GRFP and already to applied to University of Oklahoma - Microbiology and University of Arkansas - Cell and Molecular Bio.) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - Molecular and Cell Bio Duke University - Genetics and Genomics
I wish I were more patient... Waiting for GRFP results AND grad school results makes me anxious when I remember them!