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Posts posted by caliroll

  1. Logically I know there's more to life that grades. Emotionally, I've been a wreck, which is awesomely bleeding into my lab work (failed pcr=oh my god these are The End Times and I am a Hack). As lame as it is, I've been on-and-off trying & failing not to bawl over it the last two days. I know it's not realistic. Someone needs to tell my lizard brain that, though. 

    And I have asked if there was anything I could do. I got a very curt no. But at least I tried there. Thank you for your responses.

  2. Hey guys. So I just got grades back for my first semester. I failed one of my classes by about 1%. I'm humiliated, and terrified, and [insert extreme reaction here]. So other than the fact that I'm completely panicking, my confidence in my ability to do this has totally tanked. I'm not really sure what this means for me, since the grades were literally just released. I know I won't get kicked out for this, at worst put on academic probation, but honestly that's not exactly comforting. I've been doing fine in my rotations. I'm really enjoying the research, and I'm having no troubles there. Honestly I wasn't even expecting to fail the class (I knew I wasn't going to be getting honors, b/c this subject has always been hard for me, but this really caught me off guard). This class isn't even required for my department; I was sorta peer-pressured into taking it despite reservations by one of the people I planned to rotate with, who basically said I had to take it if I wanted to rotate with him...so much for that. Thing is, for a lot of departments it is a requirement, and I know a lot of profs but a lot of emphasis on its importance. I know this isn't the end of the world, but it certainly feels like it. My professors must think I'm a joke.

    I used to have confidence in my abilities, but I've only been here a handful of months and I've already failed a class... How do I bounce back from this? I'm really in need of some advice/wisdom right now. 

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