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  • Application Season
    2017 Fall
  • Program
    Speech-Language Pathology

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Jopyon's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. Hey there, I applied last year and my GPA was about a 3.48. At that time I had about 200+ hours of volunteer experience, some of which was shadowing, and 3 courses in communication disorders. I felt that my statement of intent was comparable to others who had been accepted. My recommendation would be to register for Non-degree courses and bump up your GPA as applying is really costly.
  2. Hi, earlier I tried to post this, but I wound up making it into a brand new topic, which I cannot figure out how to delete. (oops!) In any case I will just paste my original post here: Applying for my second round at Canadian universities this year, and I noticed that U of T has changed its pre requisites and what they accept for them. I have e-mailed to obtain a form that will allow me to apply with my anatomy course that no longer qualifies (they will continue to accept it until 2018). However, the admissions secretary is insistent that "Research methods" has always been a requirement, and not 2 statistics courses which I am certain was the requirement last year. Is anyone else experiencing this problem? I am going to the information session at the end of this month but wanted to know if anyone else was frustrated at this.
  3. Applying for my second round at Canadian universities this year, and I noticed that U of T has changed its pre requisites and what it accepts for them. I have e-mailed to obtain a form that will allow me to apply with my anatomy course that no longer qualifies (they will continue to accept it until 2018). However, the admissions secretary is insistent that "Research methods" has always been a requirement, and not 2 statistics courses which I am certain was the requirement last year. Is anyone else experiencing this problem? I had all of my prerequisites in a row after 3 years of hard work and now they have all changed. I am going to the info session at the end of the month to clarify, but I am just reaching out to see if anyone else is experiencing frustration at this.
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