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Everything posted by geneticginger

  1. Accepted to UNC BBSP!
  2. I'm interviewing the first weekend of February too!
  3. Just received an invite for UNC BBSP!!
  4. I applied to the GMB program at Emory not the GDBBS program! I heard from GMB back in December and they've already sent out all their interviews. Though they likely are on a different schedule thank the GDBBS program.
  5. Did you apply to the Emory GMB program?
  6. Emory isn't sending out any more invites for GMB. They've already had all their skype interviews and extended all the interview invites.
  7. Yes, I received a skype interview about two weeks ago and they called to let me know they wanted to have me come down for the interview weekend about a week ago. I'm pretty sure they're done with interviewing.
  8. I have a dilemma that I'm trying to parse out. I received an interview invitation from Emory and I need to let them know by the 29th if I accept the interview. Emory only has one interview weekend and that weekend falls the same time as one of Duke's interview weekends and one of UNC's interview weekends. I don't know if I'll get into either program but I likely won't know until after the 29th. Should I decline Emory and wait to hear from Duke and UNC and potentially shoot myself in the foot? Or keep Emory and not be able to interview with Duke or UNC? UNC may have another interview weekend but Duke's other interview weekend is when I have an interview with another school.
  9. I'm still waiting to hear back from Duke UPGG and UNC BBSP. Some people have apparently gotten contacted from both of those programs and I'm wondering if I will get an interview invite. If I know professors from both of those programs (neither of them are on the admissions committees) should I contact them to ask if they know about if any more invites are being sent out or not?
  10. I had a skype interview last week and they called me yesterday to let me know I was invited to the interview weekend. I don't think they're doing any more skype interviews.
  11. Just got an in-person interview at the Emory GMB program!
  12. Now that I'm finished with the dreaded Physics final I thought I would finally post where I'm applying. Undergrad Institution: North Carolina State University Major(s): Genetics and English Minor(s): GPA in Major: 3.61/4.0 Overall GPA: 3.74/4.0 Position in Class: top 25% Type of Student: Female, domestic GRE Scores (revised/old version): Q: 156 V: 156 W: 4.5 Research Experience: 6-month research experience in a drosophila lab examining hox gene expression during high school 5-month research experience in mouse skin cancer lab performing experiments on heat shock vs liquid nitrogen tissue collection 8-month research experience driving my own project on endangered red wolves to find a gene causing a degenerative retinal disease using WGS and exome sequencing. Currently working in an epigenetics lab (for 2 months now) researching the effect of BPA on imprinted genes in mouse embryonic stem cells (didn't mention this in my apps because I hadn't started working there yet). Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Several Scholarships; Spoke at the NCSU Comparative Medicine Institute annual Symposium to promote multi-disciplinary study and highlight the research performed in the red wolf, Dean's list all four years of college Pertinent Activities or Jobs: Worked as a CGxP Project Specialist in a Biotechnology/Tech Transfer/Quality Assurance company to provide CGxP and engineering support on biopharmaceutical factory design. Any Miscellaneous Accomplishments that Might Help: Extensive experience in administration and leadership and teaching experience from time spent in Kosovo. Special Bonus Points: I worked in the lab of a renowned dog cancer geneticist who helped sequence the dog genome and wrote me a letter of recommendation. Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter: I graduated from high school at 16 and will graduate from college at 20. I mentioned this in my personal statement to highlight my academic ability but I wonder if this will end up hurting me as maybe some graduate schools want someone older because they think someone older may be more adjusted to the difficulty of graduate schools? I am also a double major in Genetics and English which diversifies me as a candidate and solidifies my ability to write Applying to Where: UPenn-CAMB-Genetics and Gene Regulation Emory-GMB N.C. State - Genetics Duke - UPGG UNC-Chapel Hill- BBSP I've only heard back from Emory for a Skype interview and I'm getting a bit nervous about my chances at getting interviews at other schools... I'm not sure if I haven't heard back because I'm young because I've been told I have a strong application and great letters of recommendation.
  13. Does anyone know if UPenn CAMB is sending out invites all at once or in batches? I didn't hear back today and I'm just wondering if I'm out of the running...
  14. Will any schools let you know that you did not get an interview? If not, when is it safe to assume that you're not going to get an interview and should move on and consider other schools?
  15. I'm heading down to Atlanta this weekend to visit some family so I had emailed the Genetics and Molecular Biology Program at Emory to see if I could get a tour. They said that in the next few days they'll be contacting people to set up Skype interviews to see who to invite for the interview weekend on February 2nd-4th.
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