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Everything posted by eyesandheart

  1. UCLA Bioscience- gene regulation
  2. I'm at CMM interview now. As far as I'm aware, 28 people interviewed this weekend and they have more interviewees arranged for February already. I know that's the only other recruiting weekend, but I'm not sure if they are still considering adding more people to that cohort. The administration is super nice and if they haven't responded recently, it was probably because they were busy arranging for this interview weekend. Good luck!
  3. I heard from UCLA Biosciences on 12/28. The interview weekends I was offered were 1/20-21 or 2/24-25.
  4. I'm sure every program is a little different, but I interviewed at an umbrella program this weekend and the interviews were more just to assess your ability to talk about research. Most of my interviewers asked me off the bat what sort of research I was most interested in and even if it wasn't directly aligned with their field we still had great discussions about my current research and their research. Even if you don't want to work with them, you can learn something about their research and show you can have conversation about a variety of scientific topics. I don't think anyone would ask you at this point if you want to rotate in their lab as these decisions are usually much later.
  5. I'm pretty sure for UVA you just apply to BIMS in general and then when you pick a thesis advisor you become part of their department. If they asked which research disciplines I was most interested in though, I would have said epigenetics/genetics.
  6. Also, I heard from U Chicago Genetics, Genomics, and Systems Bio by email on Friday and UCSD BMS by phone earlier today. UCSD BMS interview weekend: 2/2-2/5
  7. I am interviewing at UVA BIMS as well, but on January 12th. Their email made it sound as though they accept a small percentage of their interviewees, but I heard from some people who applied and got in last year but did not attend that most everyone they met at interview weekends did get in. IDK how accurate that is.
  8. I got an interview at Johns Hopkins CMM last week and a friend got one with Hopkins Immunology yesterday. I have visited Baltimore several times, and I don't feel that its as awful as people make it out to be. This is definitely a top choice for me, and personally I don't have any issue with a prospect of moving to Baltimore. Awesome program, awesome science.
  9. Berkeley Comp Bio: Feb 14-16CMU-Pitt Comp bio: Feb 23-25, March 2-4Cornell Tri Institutional computational biology: Feb 26-27.Duke CMB: February 2-4 or February 16-18Harvard BIG (I asked and then asked a contact I have and all I could get was late january or early february)Havard BBS: Jan 26-29, Feb 9-12Icahn SOM at Mount Sinai (Neuro only): January 9-10 Icahn SOM at Mount Sinai (non-neuro): January 12-13 or January 19-20 Johns Hopkins CMM: January 19-20 or February 23-24 MIT Biology: Feb 11-14, Feb 25-28, March 11-14MIT CSBi: Feb 3 & 10MIT HST: march 2-4 (strange those two overlap as they are 2 of the top comp bio programs)NIH OxCam: February 15-17 Princeton QCB: Feb 9-11Rockefeller: Feb 23-24, March 2-3Sanger 4-year program: Jan 23rdSloan Kettering: January (Jan 12-15 once appeared on their website but they removed it for some reason)Stanford BI: march 1-5Stanford Biosciences: March 1-5University of Washington Genome Sciences: Feb 12-14, Feb 26-28UCSF bioinformatics: Feb 9-10, Feb 16-17UNC Chapel Hill BBSP: Feb 2-4 UMass Medical School BBS: January 26-27 or February 2-3 WUSTL: Early Feb Yale BBS MMPP: Feb 24-26Yale CBB: Feb 3-5
  10. I submitted all of my applications 11/16-11/23. I don't know which day in particular I submitted UMass Medical.
  11. Hey, sorry I'm late to the party, but just found this between obsessively checking my email at work. As indicated below, I have also heard from Johns Hopkins CMM and UMass Med as others have already mentioned here. Undergrad Institution: Engineering and science technical university, well ranked. Major(s): Biology and Biotechnology Minor(s): Bioinformatics and Computational Biology GPA in Major: 3.82 Overall GPA: 3.84 Position in Class: N/A Type of Student: Domestic GRE Scores (revised/old version):Q: 162 V: 157 W: 4.5 B: N/A Research Experience: 1 year senior thesis project on genetics of C. elegans 1.5 year (will be 2 by enrollment) as a research technician at a well-known cancer research institution working with two PIs on cancer genetic projects. Awards/Honors/Recognition: N/A Pertinent Activities or Jobs: Genetics Teaching Assistant as an undergrad Summer work in a manufacturing lab Any Miscellaneous Accomplishments that Might Help:Special Bonus Points: LORs from well known cancer researchers. Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter: Tons of leadership/mentorship experience. I don't know how much this counts for, but it fills up the remaining space on my resume. Applying to Where: Johns Hopkins CMM (offered interview 12/8) U Washington Harvard BBS Harvard Systems Bio MIT Bio UVA BIMS UPenn CAMB UCLA Biosciences UCSD Biosciences UChicago UMass Medical (offered interview 12/12)
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