Undergrad Institution: PNW Liberal Arts School
Major(s): Chemistry GPA in Major: ~3.65 Overall GPA: 3.77 Position in Class: Don't know... Type of Student: Domestic, male, small town roots
GRE Scores (revised/old version): Q: 161 V: 159 W: 4.0 Chemistry: Didn't take Research Experience: 1 summer working for a professor creating SC XRD curriculum for lab courses, 1 year on senior thesis (organophosphate pesticide degradation)
Awards/Honors/Recognitions: ACS Undergraduate Award in Analytical Chemistry, Dean's List
Pertinent Activities or Jobs: Teaching assistant for 3 semesters (one of which, TA'd for the inorganic course that I had not taken, but created SC XRD lab work for) Any Miscellaneous Accomplishments that Might Help: Presented research (talk) at the Murdock College Science Research Research Conference and (poster) at the ACS meeting this spring. Special Bonus Points: Excellent connections in my proposed field, 2 alma mater recommenders, research in curriculum creation/interest in education Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter: Attended the American Crystallographic Association summer school and was one of two undergraduates present. Basically a week of post-doc level courses and hands on learning with the best of the best. Applying to Where:
UC Davis -- Inorganic Chemistry (Crystallography)
Northwestern -- Materials Science and Engineering (Conservation Science)
Georgetown -- Inorganic Chemistry (Crystallography)
U Washington -- Inorganic/Materials Chemistry
I have been accepted to UC Davis!! (Dec. 15) However, UW and NW both show that they have not received my GRE scores and I'm not sure what to do. Also, video for NW??? That field cancelled out after I selected my program... Is it because I applied for the school of engineering instead?