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Posts posted by Roxy3232

  1. 32 minutes ago, stereopticons said:

    It depends on the program. The more research focused programs are going to want more research experience. That said, the PhD is inherently a research degree. If you want to primarily focus on clinical work, have you thought about a PsyD?

    I've certainly considered the PsyD but I am hoping to really expand my research, I just didn't have as much access to doing so in my Masters with all the extra clinical hours. The PhD seems more in line with my hopes to teach at the colligate level as well as conduct my own research than the PsyD. 

  2. Hello all,

    So I am new to the site, but I have been referred from a friend of mine and so far I like what I see. I am currently attending a Clinical Masters of Psychology in North Carolina. In NC I will be able to practice clinically with my masters pending supervision for life, which is one reason I am applying to Clinical PhDs around the country for Fall 2017. Long story short, the General Psychology students in my program enter the general psych track with the intention of taking that research experience straight to a PhD, because they cannot sit for licensing with just the general masters. My question is if my Clinical Masters, with a focus in substance use, makes me more or less appealing to a Clinical Psychology PhD program than a general masters of psychology student? I have a fair amount of research, but not in comparison to my peers in the general track, but I have 1200 of clinical internship not including clinical coursework. Just curious to others experiences in making the transition from a masters program to a PhD?

  3. 1 minute ago, justbreathe said:

    Suffolk typically doesn't extend interview offers until January 20-25th ish :)

    Thanks justbreathe. I know its early for some of the schools, but a buddy of mine already has 3 rejections and one interview set up. Just hoping some of my top schools haven't passed me up already haha.

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