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  • Gender
  • Location
    Kansas City, KS
  • Application Season
    2017 Fall
  • Program
    Fulbright Applicant 2017-2018

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  1. Thank you so much - I hope so too! No idea what the statistics for alternate look like, but here's hoping for the best.
  2. Hi friends! Sorry for the lack of posting - super busy. Can confirm - Denmark sent out acceptances today. No acceptance here - just an alternate. Best wishes to everyone else - here's hoping for acceptances headed your way!
  3. Semifinalist!
  4. Hey friends. I know it doesn't help any with the agony of waiting, but my Fulbright advisor emailed me today as well saying we'd hear today. Granted, it's getting late, I haven't heard anything, and it's not helping my anxiety any, but thought I'd pass it along.
  5. Me, all the way. I know it's unlikely to hear today, but there's still a little part of me that's all "...what if?"
  6. I am applying for research! It's absolutely beautiful there - I had the opportunity to do a month of research at University of Copenhagen last summer, and it's my hope to go back and work in the same lab.
  7. Hi friends, Thought I'd chime in since I'm sitting on pins and and needles waiting to hear back. (Here's hoping less than a week now!) I applied for research in Denmark, fingers crossed. Good luck everyone! Anyone else applied to Scandinavia? Best wishes, Abbey
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