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Andrea P

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Posts posted by Andrea P

  1. Hello Everyone,

    What are some formal ways to decline an offer to a graduate program (how did you decline an offer)? I applied to several programs (5, to be exact). All of them are programs that I would like to attend, but I ranked them in order of best (1) to least best (5). Well, I received an acceptance from my level 5 school--the complete offer, funding and all; however, my level 4 school also just accepted my application. I don't want to drag this out further than it has to, so I'm going to go ahead and decline the offer for the level 5 school. Advice on how to do this?

  2. Thank you all for the input! I have spoken to several professors who think this practice is on its way out. In fact, there are a lot of top universities (for psychology programs, anyway) that do not have a minimum GRE cut-off. That does not mean that they will accept any GRE score but, at the very least, it guarantees that the application will be reviewed. In terms of research suggesting a correlation between GRE scores and graduate school performance, the reliability of those statistics decreases significantly after the first year.

  3. Hello All,

    I was scanning through some forums about the GRE, and it occurred to me that some of you have some pretty warped perspectives on what a good GRE score is. For example, one person had a quant score of 158 and a verbal score of 162 (which she/he thought was abysmally average). As someone who actually got an abysmally average score, I am terrified about my prospects on getting into graduate school. Naturally, I spoke to my academic advisor about all of this and he told me that a high GRE score won't necessarily help you but a low GRE score may work against you. Thoughts on this?

    On a slightly unrelated note, do you (as students) think less of someone with a lower GRE score?


  4. My GRE scores are abysmally average, but I'm cautiously optimistic about my applications for Master's programs due to an otherwise strong application. My question is this: how important is the GRE in PhD applications if a person already has a master's (specifically in psychology)? Any testimonials? 

  5. I am applying to graduate programs (M.A. and M.S.) in clinical and general psychology. However, I noticed that Boston University's M.A. program in general psychology was only a year long (8 courses) and they did not require a thesis. Instead, the program requires a "Directed Study." As I understand it, a directed study is essentially the thesis research without the formal defense at the end. As someone who is using the M.A. as a stepping stone for a PhD, would not doing a thesis hurt my chances of acceptance? Has anyone done a directed study in place of a thesis? General advice and/or testimonials would be great!


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