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Posts posted by medstudent

  1. I got into UW-Madison PhD yesterday and got an email from the UCLA POI that his lab remains interested in my application and should be wrapping up their evaluations in the next few weeks.

    Rejects from U Washington and Stanford (no huge surprise there).

    EDIT: Just got an interview request from faculty member at Tufts.

  2. Profile: American female / 2nd year med student / Worked in the industry as web dev for three years / 1 year TA / About nine months total research experience between undergrad, REU, and this past summer

    Publications: 1 IEEE conference publication. 1 presentation at a big medical conference. 3rd in an AMIA data mining competition (should get paper out of this). 

    GPA: 3.6 (CGPA) / 3.6 (CS GPA)

    GRE: 166Q / 166V / 5A

    LORs / SOP: Three strong letters. PhD research advisor in the CS department here, an MD research advisor at the med school here, and my favorite undergrad CS prof. No big names or fancy school, but they should be very strong in terms of content. My SOP is very strong, have a clear research goal and plan. All of the labs I applied to are machine learning + medicine. I am a med student. Seems like it would be a big plus.

    U Washington
    UCLA - had an interview with advisor two weeks ago
    Johns Hopkins
    UW Madison
    Unranked home university, will no doubt get in here

    *** NOTE: I'm doing an interdisciplinary MD-PhD, with the PhD portion in computer science.

    This list seems very top heavy. I haven't gotten any interviews except for the UCLA one. I really have no idea how competitive I am. GPA is so-so, GRE should be above the threshold. No famous people writing letters, no big name schools.

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