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Posts posted by bizzyk

  1. On 12/9/2017 at 3:52 PM, 12sliders said:


    I was wondering what current social work students are planning to do over the summer? Get a job? Volunteer?

    Curious to hear from you!

    Lol there's no time for summer for me as far as I can see. I'm more focused on not doing anything this winter break (Self care?). I plan on taking a few summer courses so I can have fewer year 2 classes.

  2. On 10/1/2017 at 4:21 PM, GrkSWorker said:

    Hey fellow coffee drinkers!

    I am currently applying for MSW programs (USC, BU, Columbia) and am experiencing an internal battle on whether I should go for a Macro Program or a Micro program. I have a BA in Psychology and Economics and have been working in a venture philanthropy fund for the last two years doing research on high impact organizations. I am quite aware that with a background like that, I should be going into Macro due to all the management/organizational level experience. The reason I am getting my MSW  though is because I want to work more directly with beneficiaries. My question is, can I do a Macro program (leveraging my work experience and reinforcing it), and end up focusing on Micro post degree (if I fall in love working with individuals in that capacity)?

    If anybody has come across any problems with choosing one over the other, and regretted it at some capacity afterwards, please share :)

    Thank you!

    I'm in the midst of my MSW. In my program, macro students get a few clinical courses but nothing that will prepare you for strict clinical work. Similarly, clinical students receive a few courses in Macro (Basic Macro, Advanced Policy regarding concentration). If you go macro, clinical skills are good to have because a Macro SW will inevitably deal with individuals. It may be peers, employees, or community members. You'll need certain interviewing skills to be able to do macro work. For the clinician, you'll need macro knowledge to understand clients within their environment.

  3. 41 minutes ago, HaleyWantstobeaTherapist said:

    The 11th of what month? It looks like they've gotten into responding to those looking to enter the two year program!

    congrats!!! If I were to attend, I would be entering the health/mental health track as well. 

    January. Hope you hear back soon. Checking emails frequently was driving me crazy! Just glad I can go back to focusing on other things.


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