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Everything posted by KarebearSW

  1. Hi MSW-hopeful-2016!! I received my offer back in February (advanced standing). Once I sent in my deposit and acceptance of offer, I received an email of confirmation from Angela Umbrello (no further info packages). Also, you will have to register to attend an orientation. Mine is later this month (I am assuming yours will be the same date or shortly thereafter?) and I am thinking and hoping that they will fill us in on all the other stuff (student card, etc.) then. If you need to know before the orientation date, maybe just email or phone Angela? Good luck.
  2. Aww....I know exactly how you feel. I couldn't even allow myself to get too excited when I saw the "invited" status, even though many people on here said it was good news. And, I only told my husband, kids and best friend....until I received my package. It took a week to arrive....and it was an agonizing week. lol. Hold tight and be excited....good mail is coming . Congrats again!!! Make sure you let us know when it arrives!!!
  3. I received my acceptance in February (for the advanced standing program) and it said "invited" before I got my letter in the mail. I do believe that it almost always means you have been accepted. Congratulations. Way to start the weekend . Btw, I was also very skeptical until I received my package in the mail. It's coming though.
  4. There is a Facebook group (u of t fifsw msw class of 2018). It has already been established though and there are current students on it (I guess from 2 year program that started 2016). If you hear of any others, can you please share? Thanks so much!!!!
  5. Yay!! This is so exciting. I was accepted into the advanced standing program last month and I feel the same sense of excitement for all you 2 year program students that have just been accepted. I cannot believe how anxiety provoking this whole process has been. To those that are still waiting, do not give up hope. I have a couple of friends that received their acceptance letters on April 1st last year. For those who do not get accepted, please do not give up. i applied to the MSW program 20 years ago and did not get accepted....and then life happened over the next 20 years. Don't wait for life to happen. Please apply again next year....don't give up. Take a break and regroup first before you even think about going through this process again though. I wish everyone all the very best!!! I have appreciated the support on this group.....thank you.
  6. I also know 2 people who graduated from the program last year and they received their acceptance letters on April 1st.
  7. Initially, I was going to apply for the part time program...thought my chances of getting in might be better. But when they mentioned that only 9 were accepted last year and it would likely be even less this year, I very quickly changed my mind and decided to apply for full time (lol). I also wonder how the part time program is set up and why so few are accepted. I am also still curious to know how many full timers were accepted this year, and how many into each stream. Did you mention previously that you were going into the "Children and Families" stream?
  8. I'm going in to the full time advanced standing and was wondering the same thing. You are right about the part time program. I was at the information session and they said 9 part time students were accepted last year, and they thought the number might be lower this year.
  9. I just sent a request to join also. Thanks again!!!
  10. Awesome! Thank you, Inspired2017.
  11. Are there still any UofT advanced standing program people on this thread? A couple of us are wondering if anyone knows of a Facebook page for the advanced standing students? Thanks so much. Also, best of luck to all who continue to wait on their acceptance letters.
  12. Yay!!!! Congratulations ssbbaker!!!! I am happy to say that I received my letter of acceptance today (I actually went in to the post office to intercept my mail delivery...I couldn't stand the waiting any longer. lol). I wish you all the very best!!!! Where will you accept? Any other going in to the Gerontology stream? Advanced Standing?
  13. Hi caitiko, Thank you so much....that makes me feel better, knowing that you only got yours today. I hope, hope, hope mine comes tomorrow. lol. Also, congratulations on your acceptance
  14. Thanks, SW_Student!! The thing is, that my status changed to "invited" a week ago, and from what I understand, it pretty much means you are accepted. So, then, why no letter yet?! Ugh!!!!! I think, no matter what our situation (accepted, waitlisted), we are all in the same boat and want an answer NOW!! lol. I hope you hear soon also!!
  15. I don't want to get myself too excited until I receive that letter, but yes, I will absolutely accept. UofT is the only university I applied to. How about you? What stream did you apply to? I applied to the full time (adv standing) Gerontology stream.
  16. Hahaha. Okay, that makes me feel better. Though, I only live an hour away from Toronto, so not sure why it is taking so long. My mail has come today and it is not there YET AGAIN!! Maybe tomorrow will be the big day for both of us
  17. Does anyone else's status on ROSI say "invited", but they have not received any mail from UofT yet?? I know someone mentioned that they received their package last Friday. Am I just being super impatient????? lol
  18. Hahaha, ssbbaker....I keep checking ROSI too. Glad I'm not the only one!! lol Inspired2017, I know! I literally haven't told anyone about this "acceptance" other than my husband and kids and my best friend...lol. Congratulations!!! I have chosen the Gerontology stream (full time).
  19. I hope I get mine today. For me, showing "invited" on ROSI is not good enough....I NEED to have that letter in my hand for it to be real (lol). I saw the mail man drive past my house on Friday and nearly cried (lol). Congrats on your acceptance. What stream have you chosen?
  20. Hahaha!!! I know!! I had to stop looking at it because I was so embarrassed!!! lol
  21. Yay!!! Congratulations!!!!
  22. Oops, I also meant to add that I am not sure if the 2 year program people have heard yet. So far, it seems that only those of us in the advanced standing group have heard. I could be wrong though.
  23. Ha....I didn't even know ROSI existed until I joined this forum 2 days ago (lol). I don't know about everyone else, but for me, as soon as I log onto the ROSI portal, the information comes up right away (home page) and shows me my status information. The SGS portal is not changing from "status under review", even if it says on ROSI that you have been "invited", so its actually not even helpful to check the SGS portal.
  24. Ugh.....bummer! So, everything on ROSI still looks the exact same? There has been no update or change? Maybe you are on to something with this alphabetized system and you will hear something shortly?
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