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Posts posted by Adena13

  1. Saw that some of you posted about age. I just turned 40!! Although I'm a very young 40 ? I waited to apply until now mostly due to $$ and I just wasn't ready yet (mentally)...and I had worked for many years in Chicago for other artists post completing my BFA and it took me a while to find my own "voice" and be able to have a disciplined studio practice. But I have to say I'm highly insecure that age was and will be a huge handicap for me in the eyes of admissions committees.

    Also - anyone who applied to Glasgow School of Art. It's an amazing city and school! Plus the city is more affordable compared to others - like London. I'm thinking of applying there next year as my father's family is from there and I have dual citizenship.

  2. I wanted to share on this forum as you all have been so generous with information. I am an older than average applicant. This was my first year applying to MFA painting programs and I picked 5 very tough programs, so I knew in advance that I'd most likely be rejected. I do plan on applying to more & different programs again next year but I'm feeling very insecure about my work right now!!!!! Conversely though I'm more energized than ever to keep making new work :-)

    I also got that very weird and unprofessional rejection email from Hunter ?

    Now just need to research a good fit for next round of applications. I'm also researching residency programs.

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