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Posts posted by oh_how_absurd

  1. Brandeis University has a pretty good painting oriented (there is sculpture too) post-bacc program. I don't think grad school is the place to learn technical skill, you are generally expected to know how to make what you want by then. Brandeis has a decent metal/wood shop with a full time studio tech who supports the classes and can teach basic skills like welding. Their students have pretty good success getting into grad schools. A lot of them seem to go to BU, a school you might be interested in because they have a strong figurative emphasis.

    Hi, I am currently in a post bacc program. I applied for an MFA program last year, got an interview, and was on the waitlist. I asked about the possibility of a post-bacc program because I had just graduated undergrad last winter, and thought maybe this would be best for me. For one, it is a great opportunity to go to a new place, work with different faculty who will no doubt have an influence on your work and how it will grow and change. Also, it is great because it is kind of a test-run of seeing what it would be like in a grad program, as well as allowing you time to think about what you want in a program, and a chance to re-evaluate your decisions about going to grad school. I think you should try for both. If you love what you do and want to get better, a post bacc program is only going to help your work, show your dedication, and help your chances of getting into schools that you really want to get into.

  2. Hello everyone,

    Was wondering if anyone knew how final decisions are made after interviews? I had an interview on the 19th and have not heard anything at all...I heard people got calls a week later..so I'm thinking it might be a rejection, but I also heard about the deadline people have to accept or decline offers. Think there's still hope?? I applied to Mass Art for photo. Not sure how many people were interviewed and how many they would accept...It was my #1 choice as well as the only school I applied to that I got an interview. nervous! I wish rejections would come as quickly as admissions do...the waiting is horrible!

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