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Posts posted by smarcail

  1. On 1/18/2017 at 2:44 PM, dragonfrog said:

    I just received an email saying my application is being returned without review. The reason they gave for my ineligibility is "ineligible degree program or field of study (clinical, disease-focused, professional, etc.)." I have thoroughly read and reread the program solicitation and disagree with this. My field of study is microbiology and I am approaching it from a purely academic lab perspective (not clinical, not trying to develop new treatments, etc.). My research statement focused on quantifying gene expression of efflux pumps (used for drug resistance) in Helicobacter pylori. You could argue that the reason I chose this bacteria is "disease-focused" in that I am interested in it because it causes disease, but the research is just understanding how it works. It's not about etiology or epidemiology or any of that. I also had read sample applications from other individuals in microbiology who received the award, so I know this is not unheard of.

    I am appealing their decision (they gave me an email address and a deadline for doing so), but was wondering if anyone has any thoughts on why I might be ineligible or what I should say in my appeal letter. Does anyone know what the chances of actually getting such a decision overturned are? Are they even going to fully read my letter? Any thoughts/advice appreciated. Thanks!

    Hi! I'm curious if this email went straight to your inbox or if it went to spam? Reading this now I am concerned that I might have also gotten that email but didn't see it because it went to spam! Of course I have my spam folder emptying every 30 days so I can't go in and check. Also, if this happens does it show up when you log in to fastlane? Are you able to resubmit?

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