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Posts posted by ROCIOEMH

  1. 2 hours ago, Labreche said:

    Hi, all: I, too, was rejected this year. In fact, I was rejected two years in a row. But failure does not mean defeat :) For all those that did not get in, keep your head up high.

    I was, however, accepted at the University of Cambridge for the MPhil in Public Policy. Does anyone have any feedback to offer on that program? Of course it's a great university, but the program is still in its early days (launched in 2013) and I hear it is under-resourced relative to other MPP programs, such as Blavatnik. But it's a much smaller class size than Oxford (25 vs. 120), which is a plus. I would love to hear any thoughts on the Cambridge MPP!

    WOW, congrats for your offer at Cambridge! Seems like your destiny was going there instead of Oxford. I am also not so bummed because I got into Columbia SIPA and LSE, for MPA programs. For MPP I got into UCL and King's College, but now I am suffering because of financial support. Congrats again to you, and to Jorge, and anyone else who got in. To the ones that do not make it, ir Is because there is something better waiting for you!!! 

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