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Posts posted by Econ94

  1. Hi all,

    This is my first post. I hope it abides by all the guidelines.


    I am a soon-to-be economics graduate in an undergraduate program in Canada. My goal is to apply for a Masters in Political Economics from Carleton University in Ottawa in September 2018. My overall GPA is fine, not competitive, but meets the minimum requirements. However, my major GPA does not. I've read countless posts on here regarding low GPAs and so that is not exactly what my question is about. Rather, I want to increases my chances in other ways. One particular method I intend to do so is potentially by taking this Micro Masters certificate program in Data, Economics, and Development Policy through MIT. It is a new program, first set of courses started on February 7, 2017. Regardless of how this would look on a resume I would want to enrol in this program, but the fact that it does cost money I need to be wise about the decision. 

    I'd really love your feedback, concerns, and opinions on whether this is a relevant next step for someone in my position. And, if you have other feedback about MicroMasters programs in general. Anything helps!

    Here is the link to the program's details: https://micromasters.mit.edu/dedp/



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