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The AuDacity

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    Lubbock, Texas
  • Application Season
    2017 Fall
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  1. I have a few friends who live on the outskirts of town. I've lived in Lubbock since 2009, and absolutely love it here. God willing, I will stay here after my doctorates, but you gotta go where the jobs are. There are all sorts of apartment complexes that cater to grad students, or push for a more quiet atmosphere. I live at a complex that is for all students, so it can be loud. Since I'm prior military, however, it's easier for me to sleep when people are active (as long as, like you mentioned, no firecrackers at 2 AM). The closer to mid- or south-Lubbock you go, the less it's "college Lubbock" and more "actual Lubbock". Housing and apartments are ridiculously cheap here, so some housing websites can be wonderful for finding what you're looking for. Lubbock is a very slow-paced "hurry up and get here, then take your time" kind of place. Vibe? What do you mean by "vibe"? Friendly, absolutely. I've lived in dozens of cities all over the country, and Lubbock is the first place that has ever felt like "home" to me. Going out to a baseball game, or eating out at the hibachi grill, I've made some wonderful friends around town. Just find volunteer events that you're interested in (I like Challenger baseball, which is baseball for kids with special needs, or I volunteer at the Science Spectrum), and the "community" thing tends to work itself out. Safe? Absolutely. The running gag is everyone here owns a gun, so as long as you stay away from the drug scene, you should be 99.9% safe. Lubbock is among the top 5 most conservative cities in the nation. The only people I know who are left-wing who don't get accepted are the ones who are borderline militant in their beliefs. That kind of activism just bores people here, or rubs them the wrong way. Nothing wrong with having a difference of opinion, but know that a lot of people here are happy with things the way they are, and are in no hurry to change things. As far as LGBT goes, I don't have an answer, but I have a few friends that are "allies", and know a small handful of gay or lesbians who also really enjoy it here, but we don't discuss matters related to how "accepted" they are. In general, as long as you're not a dick, people tend to be wonderful to you.
  2. I've lived at a complex called "Raider's Pass" for about 7 years now (ending of my first degree, duration of second, and have signed on to work on my AuD here. It's cheap (I pay around $469 a month for full utilities, kitchen, and you pay by the room, so if a roommate leaves, you aren't penalized). It's also a 10 minute walk to HSC or TTU campus. https://www.americancampus.com/student-apartments/tx/lubbock/raiders-pass If you recommend living with HSC students, they tend to do everything they can to ensure the students are either HSC or are students pursuing HSC (i.e., people that tend to be quiet). Granted, most apartments surrounding TTU and HSC are owned by the same company, so they tend to be more or less the same, just with different prices and a few different amenities. Hope that helps.
  3. I just found out yesterday 1 more was accepted, but she's debating between Tech and another program. The rest are still waitlisted. Sorry I can't be more help.
  4. I'm not certain how many people have been accepted so far. All I know is that in my class of 8 prospective audiology classmates, all but 1 were waitlisted (one was accepted outright, but I'm under the impression she's going to Vanderbilt, so massive kudos to her). I'm the only one who was informed I was accepted. I'm hoping y'all hear back soon. I can't imagine the wait will be much longer, but please, keep us in the loop. All the best.
  5. Hey. I did the standard admittance to Tech, and was waitlisted after an interview in late February. I was accepted a few days later. I'm under the impression you should have heard back from Tech by now. Any update? Best of luck.
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