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Everything posted by rjs95

  1. rjs95

    Salus AuD

    Hi, I'm currently a first-year AuD student (not at Salus), but I applied last year and was accepted so I can tell you about their admission timeline. I had all my apps in by Christmas of 2016 and was offered an interview from Salus maybe a week and a half later. My interview was about two weeks after their interview request and I received an acceptance literally six days later. Their process was fast and you have only two weeks to accept their offer and put down part of the deposit ($250 to hold spot and $750 by April 15). This was annoying looking back as I didn't hear back about admission from another school until the first week in March. My advice is go for it! I applied at what I thought was a normal time but one of my classmates applied for audiology at Salus later than me and was accepted in April. Also I'm 99% sure they accept up until end of May... so you have plenty of time! My stats were 3.65 153V,148Q, 5W but two of my classmates were accepted there with lower GPAs! At the interview they give you time to explain your academic history and any discrepancies you would like to address (granted you're offered an interview). I hope this helped, best of luck!
  2. I have been accepted as well. Despite the probation, I love everything about the program. I'm still trying to decide if it's worth the risk...
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