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Everything posted by waitingforfall

  1. I've been coming through the CL listings every day until my eyes bleed! A tip--there's also a Long Island section of the NYC Craigslist which seems to be a different board. I'm not sure why they duplicated like that. Newsday is also really good, as are a lot of brokerage sites, though I'd really, really like to avoid a broker's fee. I am married and coming solo for the first year until we can move my husband out, so I'm looking for a studio/1 BR but really trying to avoid a share at this point. I am also trying to live in PJ/Village. I am going to try to do this without a car for most or all of the first year, so I'd like to be close by but also among a more concentrated population!
  2. I took a class with her. She *is* lovely. A bit on the disorganized/vague side as far as running the class, but I could sit and listen to her for hours.
  3. Hi there (I'm also sometimes ohh-holy-hell) I'll be there this fall for English PhD, moving from Chicago. Currently combing through so many rental listings... Is it just me or is there a lot of "no pets" and carpet going on?!
  4. A waiter no more! I'm in at SBU! New and improved, now with 1 acceptance and 1 waitlist. What a freaking release!!! : ) : ) : )
  5. I've been accepted off the waitlist at Stony Brook and am accepting!! So much happy dancing...
  6. You are my favorite person today (re: SBU). Thank you!
  7. One would assume that most people who have been waitlisted have also been accepted somewhere. Not me. I have 2 waitlists and no admits, meaning I'm either going to have a very happy end-of-April or that I simply get to enjoy the pain of rejection for an extra-long amount of time. Am I the only one? I know, I KNOW I shouldn't complain, but this is downright agony. No closure--can't make concrete plans for fall, nor can I close the book on the '09-'10 app season. I'm still waiting... I'm still waiting...
  8. Has anyone claimed the Stony Brook acceptances?
  9. Math? I'm waitlisted at a school that required the subject test...and I scored in the 17th percentile on that one. I wouldn't worry about math
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