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Posts posted by boourns

  1. I am at the U of A and also got my letter of upgrade today from PGSD-3 to CGSD-3. I am ecstatic since the upgrade is significant at the doctorate level! Good luck to everyone else on the waitlist/upgrades.

  2. Yup, I am in Edmonton and received my official letter from NSERC for PGS-D3 after I had heard from my Dept. last week. It was dated March 30th, so no we are not a bunch of trolls! =) Crossing my fingers for an upgrade to CGS-D

  3. I'm curious as to why it doesn't seem like anyone including myself have received CGS-D, all of us only got PGS-D. Is it because they're giving fewer away or that they're waiting to upgrade people later?

  4. After hearing such good news on this forum I decided to call my grad studies dept. (FGSR) at the U of A this morning.

    I won PGSD3, I won't believe it until I get that letter in my hands though!

    I had 2 first author publication in mid impact journals and 1 first author publication submitted at the time of application, as well as 3 international conferences. My grades in undergrad were quite poor aside from an upward trend of 3.8+ in the last 2 years of undergrad. I also did quite a bit of volunteer work (mentoring several undergraduates, chair of 3 academic committees, and 4-5 other community volunteer gigs).

    Good luck to everyone else, 3rd time was a charm for me! Also what is the likelihood that I'll be upgraded to CGS? And when do we find this out? Do they just tell everyone PGS and then wait until later to announce CGS?

  5. Good luck to everyone. Quite frankly, I feel so jaded about grad school, I don't even know if it matters whether I win or not in my third attempt at NSERC, this time PGS-D

  6. The first two cycles I was super nervous about the results, but now that I'm in my third year of grad studies with 2 NSERC rejections from ottawa under my belt I'm super relaxed. The last 2 years, I was hyped up to get it, but this year I couldn't care less. Good luck to everyone!

  7. I heard last week that mine was forwarded on to Ottawa. Hopefully third time's a charm, not getting my hopes up because I was told I was ranked high within the university last 2 years and didn't get it.

  8. I called fgsr monday and got the same answer- that the list was unofficial. The grad coordinator of our dept had an answer though and sent out emails to students in the dept accordingly.

  9. At the time of application I had just started the second year of my master's program (tough to complete in the Doctorate category)! I had two papers submitted in mid high-very high impact journals ( <4 and <8 impact factor), 2 intl conference presentations, and 5 provincial/regional presentations. I also won 3 relatively large provincial awards (5-10k) and had a ton of extra curricular activities (chair of 3 different committies, 5 volunteer positions).

    I'm not devastated that I didn't win since I didn't think I had a stellar app for the doctoral category, but still disappointed!

    Those two papers are now in press for publication, I am collecting data for a third, supervising 3 undergraduate honours projects and working on a book chapter. I am coming back with a vengeance next year NSERC!!!

    I'm just glad I don't have to creep this forum or obsess with checking my mailbox anymore!

    Congrats to everyone who won and best of luck in the future for all applicants!

  10. Geez I'm like a nervous wreck today knowing that some people at UBC and UW already have the results. I only slept 3 hours last night tossing and turning about it and could hardly eat thinking the results would be in my mailbox.

    Alas, I called the grad studies office and got the answer "We have received the NSERC results, but they are unofficial, so we can't disclose them to the dept. yet." The suspense is killing me - I might actually have a nervous breakdown before I find out if I did/didn't win!

  11. has anyone heard anything yet? I am getting nervous because it is already mid february - I got rejected last year around this time for CGS-M last year and this year I am in the CGS-D category! Hoping for some love from NSERC!

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