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Everything posted by orchid99

  1. Program Applied To: MA (all IR) Schools Applied To: Korbel, AU-SIS, GW-ESIA, Fletcher, G'town SSP Schools Admitted To: SIS, ESIA, Korbel Schools Rejected From: Fletcher, SSP Undergraduate institution: Top public Undergraduate GPA: 3.6 Undergraduate Major: Linguistics, Political Science GRE Quantitative Score:690 GRE Verbal Score: 650 GRE AW Score: 4.5 Years Out of Undergrad (if applicable): 1 Years of Work Experience: 1 year full-time. During school, I held a few internships and research assistant positions, and 2 part time jobs. Describe Relevant Work Experience: My previous experience was in advocacy or research assistant jobs, none directly related to IR. That said, even tho it wasn't directly related, I think it helped. I also did a lot of travel and study abroad, and did independent research papers when I could. Strength of SOP (be honest, describe the process, etc): It was rough to write, but I was pleased in the end. I think I did a good job of explaining what led to me wanting to do this MA at this point, and why each program would help me achieve my goals; that sounds a little dry, but I did showcase how passionate I am about this field. Mentioning professors you like a lot helps (the only time I didn't was SSP). I think if my SOP was not as strong, I would not have received as many acceptances as I did. I wrote a draft early on, put it away for a month or so, and then spent the last month intensely working on it. Do not underestimate how much time it will take you! Strength of LOR's (be honest, describe the process, etc): I had 2 professors and 1 supervisor. I have a close relationship with all my LOR writers. I only read one letter, but they were all happy to do this for me and I believe were strong. Other: Even though I will only have one year of full-time experience prior to starting (so I guess I had 6 months at time of application), I really recommend taking time off. I hated my job and it had no relevance, and its cliche, but it did help me gain perspective about what I wanted to do. I wish I had studied for and taken the GRE right after I got out of school, before I started working.
  2. I think it depends on your native language and the language you are trying to learn. Romance languages I assume that it would be sufficient, with learning additional IR-related vocabulary through someplace else. As far as being a native English speaker and trying to learn something like Mandarin or Arabic, Rosetta Stone will cover your basics and I found it helpful with pronunciation. Beyond that, I didn't think it was helpful with learning how to write.
  3. I'm leaning toward Denver now, but haven't been able to visit. What was your impression of the students, faculty, the general 'feel' of the school? If there is anything you happened to find out there that wasn't shared online or in their literature, that would be great to know. Its so hard - the internship opportunities at AU sound great, but Denver seems to offer more work-life balance. Quarter system I'm ambivalent about. I think it would be nice to take many different courses, but I don't know if the workload for quarter system courses is like a compressed version of a semester long class.
  4. I'm trying to decide between these two programs and am quite torn as well. Have you come to any conclusion?
  5. Just wanted to let everyone know. I got my acceptance packet in the mail yesterday, but I live very close to DC.
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