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Posts posted by Reizenu

  1. Hello, guys! 

    I'm going to apply for MA in Canada (University of British Columbia) and I've got a few questions about it, so maybe smb had similar experience. 
    I've got Russian diploma in Medicine (M.D.) and also it is veryfied in Israel. But I'd like to change my speciality and apply for MA in Science (kinesiology in priority, biology, genetics are also possible). I looked through application requirments and it's said there that I'm able to apply for these programs because I've got a diploma in related field.The problem is that all these programs are connected with researches and I don't have any background in research, just a few weeks of work in clinic. However, I have to find a supervisor before application.

    The main question is: is it possible to find supervisor without any background? I'm going to join volunteer programs in lab, visit conferences and so on, but I actually don't have appropriate credits, experience and documents. I thought about applying for PhD in Russia and spend there a year or smth for experience and credits, and then apply for MA in Canada, But it would be such a waste of time... 

    So please tell me about your experience in situations like mine, I'd really appreciate that! 

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