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Posts posted by UppaHand123

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    The best way to teach is to praise positive actions and ignore negative ones.


    Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.




    Teachers and coaches alike have individualized teaching styles used to motivate there students. Each style comes with a particular balance of positive praise and constructive criticism. While praising positive actions is essential in building a student’s confidence, the importance of constructive criticism cannot be understated.    

        Ignoring negative actions and weaknesses can lead to a student's false sense of ability and a meretricious confidence that may not adequately prepare the student for future endeavors. Ronda Rousey, the most famous professional UFC fighter in the world, known for her unparalleled Judo, recently experienced the only two losses of her career this past year. Many attributed her fall from the zenith of the fighting world to her inflated sense of confidence supplied by her boxing coach. Ronda was knocked out in the opening round of both fights by superior boxers, never utilizing her famous Judo skills. In fighting and in life, strengths must be praised, but the knowledge of one's limitations is equally as important.

        Furthermore, without criticism, growth and improvement becomes an arduous and unrealistic task. The common adage exists in sports, academics, and business-- “Learn from your mistakes”. Failures allow us to grow, and if our instructors and coaches ignore our negative actions, how then can we evolve into our full potential. Michael Jordan, the greatest basketball player of all time, never undervalued the role his mistakes and failures had on his success. During his Hall of Fame induction speech, Michael attributed his success to being cut from his high school basketball team, not starting on his college team, and missing over 1000  game winning shots. It was anything but easy for Michael Jordan throughout his career. Consequently, Michael played with something to prove, and this burning desire is what made him great.

        Positive praise has always been an essential part of building confidence, moral, and drive within a student and was indeed instrumental in the success of Michael and Ronda. Arguably, praising only positive actions and ignoring negative ones may have a positive effect on the students confidence and self belief in the short term. This confidence can lead to passion and inspiration for the craft. Be that as it may, history has shown that through the anguish of failure and tribulation comes the most stoked fire to excel. A false sense of confidence puts the student or athlete at risk for greater failure and disappointment down the line, as evidenced by the decline of Ronda Rousey.

        Would Michael have had the same career if the hunger to be better wasn’t ignited in his high school days? Would Ronda Rousey still be the undefeated UFC champion if her coach had emphasized her strength in Judo, rather than instilling a false sense of mastery in boxing? Ultimately, positive reinforcement is essential to a student’s confidence, but greatness cannot exist without identifying and learning from shortcomings.


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