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Posts posted by kailanthropy

  1. Hey all,

    I'm a senior English Lit major in Baltimore. I've actually posted here before as a senior; wound up dropping out of uni for a little while because I was adrift and depressed and you get the picture. But now I'm BACK! And I know what I want to do!

    I'm applying for creative nonfiction because it's where I'm strongest by far, but I want to pick up fiction while in the MFA program because I want to become a novelist but keep psyching myself out whenever I try to write a short story. I'm devoting time this summer to writing more fiction on a regular basis, but I'm nowhere near good enough to enter into an MFA program for it yet. (Ironically, I hate writing short stories but love writing books. I'm working on one right now that's actually quite good imo!)

    So I'm applying to programs with concentrations in both fiction and nonfiction: Bard, Columbia, Emerson, Northeastern, and Sarah Lawrence.

    My top three are Columbia, Bard, and Sarah Lawrence, respectively.

    I chose them for various reasons: I thrive in the Northeast, I have a literary network in New York that I'd like to deepen and expand, Hilton Als teaches at Columbia while Teju Cole teaches at Bard, Alice Walker and Durga Chew-Bose went to Sarah Lawrence. And according to my editors and professors, I have a great chance at getting into any of them. (Then again, MFA programs really are a roll of dice, aren't they?)

    My writing portfolio will be a short book of published/unpublished essays that I'm expanding and polishing for my senior thesis. It's called Cosmogyny and—forgive me, this is a rough summary because I'm still developing the prospectus so that the progression make sense—it's a bunch of personal essays/lyric-memoirs-disguised-as-longform-criticism that describe my coming-of-age as a girl, a Caribbean immigrant, and an American woman in the world. It's very inspired by Durga Chew-Bose's Too Much and Not the Mood, which inspired me to write the seminal essay "The Doomsday Diaries"...which you can actually read at full-stop.net next week!!! (It's nowhere near perfect pls.)

    And I work at my university's writing center, which I heard helps gain some financial aid in graduate school.

    Note: I'm not taking time between undergrad and grad school. I've experienced too much life at 21-going-on-22. I've had an abundance of jobs and lived in an abundance of places and seen an abundance of things I probably shouldn't have seen. I've had the epiphanies people have when they're 40. "Take time between undergrad and grad school" is the one thing I always hear when posting on things. I just don't think it's necessary.

    So, where are you applying? What are you studying? Why? How will you cover financial aid? Let's converse!

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