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Posts posted by freakaleke

  1. Hey all,

    I was just looking for some candid feedback regarding my application. I am about to apply for the Environmental Health MPH program at Harvard School of Public Health.

    I will have almost 5 years of international work experience by the time I would enroll next fall. I worked for the Peace Corps in Africa, taught in Asia and have been doing Agriculture research in Latin America. I graduated from small liberal arts college with a degree in Political Science I received a 3.29 GPA. I took the GRE and got a 161V/ 158M/ 3 AW I know that the writing is egregious but the other two scores should be ok. I do not have a ton of full-time experience doing health-related work. I work in the agriculture sector in Peace Corps and did some health education. I did a lot of nutrition based planning regarding farm preparation. With the exception of teaching my work experience has been tangential to health which makes me somewhat nervous about admissions but I think that I pull together my Ag work nicely with Health in my personal statement. My LORs are very strong and I have advanced proficiency in two foreign languages. What are my chances at admissions for Harvard's MPH program? What do you think that I should do to increase my chances if I would reapply next year? Recap:

    GPA: 3.29 small lib arts

    GRE: 161V/158M/3AW

    5 years work experience; peace corps (agriculture, Africa), teaching private school (English, Asia), research (agriculture, Latin America)

    program: Harvard MPH Environmental Health 

    Thank you in advance!


  2. On 10/13/2017 at 2:34 PM, Seb_MPP said:

    Your score is great!

    Just out of my curiosity, should I retake the exam as well? My GPA is 3.4 and GRE: V 160 Q 156. I have four years working experiences for consulting firm and international government agency. I am fine with no scholarship or grant, since my company will pay for it.


    I would suggest retaking it. Get your quant about 160 and I think you would have a good chance at getting in. 

  3. I want to submit soon too but I have to take my GRE in November because I live internationally and the closest computerized test is a 5-hour drive. What are peoples application stats looking like?

    GPA: 3.29 small, academically rigorous liberal arts college. Major Political Science, Minor IR

    GRE: (estimate) 160V 155Q

    Work experience: 5 years international-2years Peace Corps (Africa) 1 year ESL Asia 1 year research (Central America)

    Speak French and Mandarin at advanced level

    LGBT first-generation college student

  4. Hey all,

    Thank you in advance for the advice. I am asking a question for my girlfriend. She is applying to MPH programs with a low GPA 3.2 and ok gre scores. 152Q and 159V. She has 5 years of international work experience peace corps, ESL teaching, research in health. What are her chances of getting into Harvard, Columbia, Hopkins, or Yale for their MPH programs??? Also, I am having trouble finding a thread for this year's MPH applicant statistics so feel free to post your stats in the comments:

    GPA 3.2

    GRE: 152Q 159V

    other relevant factors:

  5. I recently completed a summer language emersion program at Middlebury College. I did horrible. I had a 2.33 GPA for the summer. I had a medical condition that I was being treated for that made me miss part of the program and I was being treated for it while I was in school. I am applying for grad school in international affairs this fall. I graduated college in 2013 and these are the most recent grades that I have. How will grad schools view these grades since they were completed after my degree GPA? Is this a death sentence to a good program? My undergraduate GPA was a 3.3 and I am doing well on my GRE practice tests. 




  6. Hello everyone,

    I recently took a diagnostic GRE practice test and scored a 156 on verbal and 154 on quant. I was wondering what the likely hood of getting above a 165 on both sections would be. Have any of you been able to increase your score more than 10 points per section? I will be taking the GRE on October 7th.


    Thank you

  7. Hello everyone,

    I recently took a diagnostic GRE practice test and scored a 156 on verbal and 154 on quant. I was wondering what the likely hood of getting above a 165 on both sections would be. Have any of you been able to increase your score more than 10 points per section? I will be taking the GRE on October 7th.


    Thank you

  8. GPA: 3.29

    GRE (Verbal/Math/Writing) 161/162/4.5

    Applying to: SIPA, SAIS, Fletcher, American, University of Minnesota, UC Berkeley




    other factors: Peace Corps Africa (2 years), Taught in Asia 1.5 years, Research in central America 1 year. Advanced level of French and Mandarin. 

  9. I am trying to gauge admissions outcomes for the upcoming admissions cycle for MA programs in international development and affairs. If you could, please include the following information in your response:


    GRE (Verbal/Math/Writing)





    description of relevant work experience and other factors:

    Thank you!

  10. Hello everyone,


    I am unapologetically paranoid about graduate school admissions. My undergraduate grades fluctuated quite a bit. I attended a community college for two years receiving a 3.4 GPA. I then transferred to a top 75 liberal arts college where I received a 3.2 GPA. My total undergraduate GPA works out to be a 3.3 which is not very good for more competitive programs in international development/public policy. I was hoping that I could get your feelings on my chances at admissions at Columbia SIPA and John's Hopkins SIAS. Other things to consider:

    I served in the Peace Corps in Africa for two years

    Taught in Asia for 1.5 years.

    Conducting research in Central America from July 2017-July 2018

    I won and declined a Fulbright ETA grant.

    In total, I will have 4.5 years of international work experience before my program begins.

    My brother is a current undergraduate student at Hopkins and is researching at SIAS.

    I think that I will have rock solid letters of recommendation from undergraduate professors. I completed three internships during my undergrad and worked 20+ hours per week.

    White, gay, male


    Tell me what you think.

  11. Hello everyone,


    I am unapologetically paranoid about graduate school admissions. My undergraduate grades fluctuated quite a bit. I attended a community college for two years receiving a 3.4 GPA. I then transferred to a top 75 liberal arts college where I received a 3.2 GPA. My total undergraduate GPA works out to be a 3.3 which is not very good for more competitive programs in international development/public policy. I was hoping that I could get your feelings on my chances at admissions at Columbia SIPA and John's Hopkins SIAS. Other things to consider.

    I served in the Peace Corps in Africa for two years

    Taught in Asia for 1.5 years.

    Conducting research in Central America from July 2017-July 2018

    I won and declined a Fulbright ETA grant.

    In total, I will have 4.5 years of international work experience before my program begins.

    My brother is a current undergraduate student at Hopkins and is researching at SIAS.

    I think that I will have rock solid letters of recommendation from undergraduate professors. I completed three internships during my undergrad and work 20+ hours per week.


    Tell me what you think.


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