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Everything posted by JJH

  1. I also got a Princeton rejection. My final results: Michigan - denied Princeton - denied UNC - accepted Ohio State - accepted Minnesota - accepted Wisconsin - accepted WUSTL - denied
  2. I got rejected by WUSTL and Michigan over the weekend.
  3. Thanks, and congrats to you! I am a current Big Ten undergrad, so I did apply to many other Big Tens. However, I am probably going to head out to Chapel Hill. I got a great offer from UNC. Still waiting to hear from Michigan, Princeton, and WUSTL.
  4. Got an acceptance e-mail from Minnesota today.
  5. Thanks, and congrats to you as well. As of now I do not plan to go to the UW weekend. I am not sure what Minnesota's deal is either. I feel like we would have heard by now has we gotten in.
  6. I am in the same situation. No link on the website, no word at all.
  7. Found out I was accepted at UNC-Chapel Hill last week. Still waiting on Michigan, Princeton, Minnesota, and WUSTL.
  8. No word from Princeton for me yet.
  9. Where has everyone been accepted? Ohio St. and Wisconsin for me (American politics). Anxiously awaiting a number of others.
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