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Everything posted by watjubs

  1. "I have worked with SLPs at my school to support several of my students." I suggest writing about how you specifically worked with SLPs to support your students. What role did you play in the intervention process (team teaching, consulting, data collection etc.)? Caffeinerd, however brash, is right to point out the fact that there are a lot of obvious crossover skills between SLPs and teachers. My advice is to avoid making general comparisons between the professions and stick to describing your actual experiences.
  2. I was accepted at U of O but didn't hear about an open house. I haven't told them whether I'm accepting their offer yet as I am still not fully decided. Maybe that's why I didn't get information about the open house or maybe I lost some part of the letters they sent me? I went to an information session for the CDS program back in the fall. I liked what I saw for the most part. The only thing I wasn't too keen on was almost all the faculty have expertise in neurogenic/TBI/medical and I'm interested in working in the schools. I'm a little worried about getting a too narrowly-focused education there, although they did say they balance your externships equally in both schools and medical settings. Also, I used to live in Eugene and think it is so boring. Oregon rules, Eugene is a little too much of a small college town for my liking. I will say that the clinical facilities at U of O are beautiful (I'm at Portland State now and our clinic is in the basement of a hideous, very dated building). Do share your campus visit experiences!
  3. Anyone else not get an email from Boulder yesterday? Damn these staggered notifications!
  4. Did anyone here get a phone call from Portland State University? Their website says notices will go out in April due to the CSDCAS delay but I see on the results page that a couple of people were called today (!). I wonder if they're calling out-of-state applicants first? Or maybe those who had their materials in to CSDCAS earlier?
  5. I applied at Boulder and haven't heard anything either. It looks like people started posting decisions around the middle of March last year. Supposedly there was going to be a web portal for grad applicants to check their status, but it's only functional for undergrads at this point (according to the Office of Admissions). Sigh.
  6. From Portland State's Website: Our selection process is delayed due to delays in receiving information from CSDCAS. Students will be notified of admission status by mid-April 2011. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you kindly for your patience. Mid-April, nooooo!
  7. Anyone else apply to CU-Boulder? If so, have you been able to use their web portal to check your admission status? I know they were having a bunch of issues with their system, but it appears to be somewhat functional until you try to click the "check status" link. Hmm.
  8. I'm applying to the Core SLP program at UW (and at PSU where I suspect the number of applicants will be just as high). I am officially terrified.
  9. My GPA overall is 3.72 (4.0 in Speech & Hearing major). GRE 1360. No relevant work or volunteer experience as I have a full time office job.
  10. I e-submitted mine over two weeks ago and my GPA hasn't been calculated (I somehow missed the part of the FAQ that said the process could take up to four weeks). I'm trying not to think about it.
  11. Thank you so much for the update. I wish they would just send out a mass email to everyone with pending applications (or even put up a little blurb on their website), so people weren't completely in the dark.
  12. I'm applying to CU-Boulder, University of Washington, University of Oregon, and Portland State University. UW is my first choice, even though I have no idea how I'll pay for it even if I do get accepted. My biggest frustration has been trying to get in touch with CU-Boulder to make sure all of my letters of recommendations made it in. I got email notices for three, but all four of my letter writers say they uploaded theirs. The automated phone message directs all inquiries to the program assistant's email address. Well I emailed two weeks ago and still haven't gotten a response. I understand that this close to deadlines, they must be getting hundreds of emails and I'm trying to be patient, but all the other schools have responded to email questions within one to two days. I'm also having fun waiting on CSDCAS to verify all of my transcripts/calculate my GPA so my application can be mailed out to PSU. The entire graduate admission process really is a six-month stomachache!
  13. I'm applying to SLP programs this fall and am "in the know" about the field. I would be happy to take a look :-)
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