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Posts posted by statusquo

  1. 2 hours ago, bianca07 said:

    How would we know if there was a change in our status? I’m on the waitlist, so how would I find out if a spot opened up?

    Welcome to the club, I've been on the waitlist since March 28 and have lost a lot of respect for The University of Toronto. On top of being a month late on their response (they said to expect a response in early month if you applied before the deadline), they choose to waste more of my time by not telling me where you stand on the waitlist. If I'm 5000th on the waitlist and they told me on March 28th, then I could move on and focus on other things, but for all I know I'm 2nd on the list and so I don't know if I should commit to something else or to keep playing this stupid game.

  2. 9 hours ago, lafillebavarde said:

    Qu'est ce-que c'est ta deuxieme matière ? J'sais pas s'il y a d'autres ici avec l'education physique...

    Mes matières maintenant sont l'éducation physique et les sciences humaines et sociales mais j'apprends le français pendant ma maîtrise et ajouter la matière après.

  3. On 26/03/2018 at 1:19 PM, Saf88 said:

    Congratulations!  I'm sorry to hear that you have more waiting to do. 

    I wonder why applications are still open if they don't have enough space...

    Thank you and I agree, it does not make much sense at all.


    12 minutes ago, hopeoise said:

    August? No way... They said they expect that most applicants hear back by the end of this month. 

    I heard back on the 26th and they waitlisted me, in other words I am waiting to hear back between now and mid-August. 

  4. 56 minutes ago, HopingToTeach1231 said:

    When I called they told me that if you applied before the deadline then you have to hear back by the end of March. If you don't then you have to contact them! 

    That is really relieving thank you!! That puts the date to just a bit over two weeks then. 

  5. 6 minutes ago, HopingToTeach1231 said:

    LOL! I did call, but they just told me the same thing as before. They also told me that if I have not received any information yet it means that my application has not been fully reviewed and they don't have a decision yet. As soon as they have a decision, they will let me know ASAP. I handed it in before the deadline, but I guess more waiting.. 

    Thanks for the update, I don't understand how they haven't reviewed someone's application in the span of about 4 months...

  6. 20 minutes ago, HopingToTeach1231 said:

    Hi everyone!! Has anybody heard back that has applied for I/S stream? The wait is killing me!!! I've also applied in November and have not heard anything back. 

    I'm with you, I haven't heard a thing. What are your teachables?

    I'm doing Phys. Ed. and Social Science 

  7. 55 minutes ago, worriedstudent2123232 said:

    idk what to do anymore... usually by last few years post, people have gotten snail mail by now as well let alone an email.. UFT what are you doiiiinnnggg.. 

    Me neither... this is ridiculous considering some of us have applied in late October and November.. there is no reason to prolong the results this far into the year.

  8. 13 minutes ago, Teachingintoronto said:

    I got just called OISE.  They said acceptances are on a case-by-case basis and you can get accepted any time this month (ie March)!  So they don’t send out mass acceptances all at once.  Acceptances that already went out are the ones that happened to be reviewed.  They also said anyone can accept Bachelor offers in the meantime because they are not connected to OUAC.  

    Wow thanks for the update. I think they are mostly accepting Primary/ Junior right now. I haven't seen anyone in Intermediate/ Senior get accepted yet..

  9. 12 minutes ago, Phoenix1781 said:

    "Sometime this month" that is so frustrating. My other acceptance expires on the 8th of March.....

    I know, it is actually pretty horrible but I guess I just accepted it. Don't really have any other options but to wait... 

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