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Everything posted by delete-it

  1. Congrats to all the late night acceptances. Considering what time it is here on the east coast, it is awfully quiet.
  2. just wake me up when February is over.
  3. I think, based on previous years, Columbia will release their decisions mid to late February.
  4. This is going to be the longest day.
  5. This is going to be such a long week. Given the impending snow storms in the Northeast (public schools north of NYC have already started to cancel for tomorrow), do we think there will be a delay in decisions?
  6. I think no matter how this week goes, I'll be spending some time with a baseball bat listening to "Damn it feels good to a be a gangster"
  7. That pretty much summarizes my feelings exactly.
  8. Not to up everyone's anxiety level, but are we thinking NYU decisions will come out early next week?
  9. Another lurker here - just wanted to throw myself into the mix as I anxiously await decisions from political theory programs. I graduated from a highly ranked law school in 2014, was editor-in-chief of my law journal and a research assistant. My law school GPA (top 10%) and verbal GRE score (169) are high, however my undergraduate GPA (3.49) and quantitative score (159) are lower. But I'm hoping with my strong LORs and the fact that I'm currently working in academia it'll all balance out because due to my wife's medical needs we cannot move and I only applied to three programs. Good luck to everyone.
  10. Congrats "le vecu" on the acceptance! And thanks for the well wishes. I am not sure I can afford to go to Fordham even if I get in because I didn't apply for aid, but I'm just so anxious to hear anyway.
  11. Thanks so much "hopefulJ2010." I applied without filing a FAFSA as well. Hopefully I'll hear soon as well. Congrats on the acceptance!
  12. I applied to MA English program at Fordham without financial consideration, and was wondering if anyone else who applied the same way has recieved a decision as of yet?
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