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Posts posted by sa119

  1. Undergrad Institution: Univ. of Georgia

    Major(s): BioEngineering, Biomedical Emphasis, Biomechanics Track

    Overall GPA: 3.52/4.00 (once grades are submitted for the current semester next week
    Demographics/Background: female, Asian

    GRE Scores:
    Q: 160 (76%) on the low end but not horrible
    V: 159 (83%)
    W: 5.0 (93%)


    1.) PI at NIH

    2.) Dean of Engineering College here

    3.) Asst. Prof
    Research Experience: 

    1 year in computational lab (lung biomechanics), 1 summer in computational lab (lung biomechanics) & biomaterials lab, Summer intern at NIH (wet/dry systems neuroscience lab), all of this year in computational lab (cardiac mathematical modeling)


    1 publication under review (4th author), 1 conference proceeding (2nd author), 1 abstract under review (first author)

    a few abstracts just for research presented on campus, first author

    writing Honors Thesis this year


    NIH Summer Intern, offer for Air force Research lab that I declined


    Applied for NSF and DoD 

    Pertinent Activities or Jobs: 

    Tutored Math for a Year

    Other Miscellaneous Accomplishments:

    President of Biomedical Engineering Society at UGA for a year

    Research Interests:

    systems modeling and simulations, mechanobiology


    GATech, Rochester, Rensselaer, UConn, Brown, UPitt (applied for pHD in computational modeling here, but looking at profs in BioE dept), Clemson, UGA, U Wisconsin Madison, VTech/Wake Forest Joint Program, Northeastern U



    I already submitted by apps, but my grades for this semester are out in a couple weeks and they will bring my GPA up, should I try to send them to admissions offices? 

    Or should I wait for that journal article I'm a co-author on to go through the pipeline first before reaching out to schools?

    When do we hear about interviews?


    What are my chances? I am worried that my GRE and GPA are on the lower end, but I know I have good research XP (esp at NIH), but I wish that journal article had been published sooner

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