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Posts posted by duncanthaw

  1. hi all,

    i'm enjoying my first year at grad school doing a PhD, but there are a few other schools which I applied to that I wasn't selected for. I'm hoping in my first year or two of my current program to build up my CV in order to make me a more attractive applicant at some of these better schools.

    does anyone have any experience or know of anyone who has successfully applied at a different (better) school after their first year or two in another phd program? I am particularly interested in how the student went about it, as such obviously requires some diplomacy. how does one broach the subject with their advisor and other potential referees?

    There are a few motivations for moving:

    1) i want to put myself in the best possible position when i enter the job market. regrettably, school name and prestige is important and therefore i'd like to 'trade up' to a better school if possible.

    2) cities. i would like to live in a bigger city, where i have family and friends.

    3) periodization. i'm not necessarily wedded to my historical period. the school i am currently at doesn't actually accommodate the area i'm potentially interested in.

    in connection with point 3, because i'm currently in a different period, I probably look like a more attractive applicant in my current period, than my proposed alternative period. based on this, do we think I would be better off applying to the other schools in my current period, then trying to transfer period if I'm accepted. or would it be better to apply as an applicant in my preferred period?

    i would appreciate any advice on how to best navigate my current department, as well as advice as to how to apply as a potential applicant to a few new schools. 



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