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Everything posted by DL2K10

  1. I wrote to MSFS, yet again, and they finally informed me I was rejected. It's nice to have some closure, albeit negative. SAIS here I come! Good luck to everyone in all you do, grad school and beyond.
  2. I could not exercise the same patience and emailed last night...here was the response I received this morning: Official decision letters for the MSFS program have been mailed from this office within the last few days. You should receive your notification through the postal service within a matter of days. Sincerely, Georgetown Graduate Admissions Check's in the mail, right? Lol.
  3. Nope...no letter still. I was told March 23rd that all decisions had been mailed out, then when I inquired again on the 26th, they hoped to mail all decisions out by April 1. Seeing as I live in Texas, not overseas, I feel like it should have arrived by now. So frustrating!
  4. Still waiting too...I think we should all know this week though. Hang in there MSFS hopefuls
  5. I am in the EXACT same boat...only I was accepted to GWU and STILL have not heard from Georgetown. Are you thinking SAIS BC? And which concentration are you considering since iDev is out? I actually had a phone conversation with the Admissions office today who told me that while iDev students get first preference for courses, students are free to take as many iDev classes as they like.
  6. @Quantic...thanks for the empathy I got into several programs and think I will be attending SAIS, which is exciting. More than anything, I just wanted to have all my cards on the table, to have closure and to move forward being excited and inspired by my upcoming opportunities. I know it was probably not the most pleasant of tasks providing all the gory accepted student details to those of us more than likely waiting in vain, but once again, it was exactly what I (and I am sure others) needed to hear. Good luck in whatever you endeavor to do, MSFS or not.
  7. Thank you so much for that information. While this is what I assumed, the fact there was a live-chat today makes it all the more apparent. However, I think it is somewhat unprofessional on the behalf of MSFS to not notify all applicants in a more systematic manner. I don't need the courtesy of a snail mail letter to tell me the same thing an email would, and allow me to focus on the schools to which I have already been accepted.
  8. Schools Applied To: SAIS, MSFS, Harvard KSG, GWU, Fletcher, NYU Wagner, Berkeley GSPP Schools Admitted To: SAIS, GWU, NYU Schools Rejected From: KSG, Berkeley Waitlisted: Fletcher Still Waiting: MSFS Undergraduate Institution: UT Austin Undergrdaute GPA: 3.7 Undergraduate Major: Hispanic Studies GRE Quant: 610 GRE Verbal: 640 GRE AW: 4.5 Years out of Undergrad: 5 Years of Work Experience: 5 Work Experience: Peace Corps volunteer 2.5 years, private sector health care management 1.5 years Strength of SOP: Outlined a skeleton proposal for an NGO I would like to start, added as supplement to SOP Strength of LOR: 1 from my capstone undergrad Honors Thesis course professor, 1 from CEO of my present company, 1 from Peace Corps colleague who worked for Plan International, all positive I assume Extra: Fluent in Spanish, Intermediate-Advanced proficiency in Portuguese, 4 semesters of Italian Undergrad
  9. Do any current or prospective students have advice or insight as to whether SAIS BC or GWU is a better grad school choice? I am interested in eventually working in development, either for a multi or bilateral aid organization. I have heard mixed, but generally negative things, about SAIS BC although SAIS's reputation as a whole is certainly stellar. Any and all comments or advice would be GREATLY appreciated...I am still waiting to hear from MSFS, but assume at this point it would be a waitlist decision at best. Thanks!
  10. Does anyone have any insight into the email vs. USPS mail decisions? I have read on other blogs that many students received email acceptances and then paper rejections or waitlist decisions. I have heard from all programs but MSFS and am getting antsy to start the decision making process. Any thoughts? Or has anyone received an acceptance email later than 3/15/2010 or a paper USPS acceptance? I am ready to know one way or another! Best of luck to all
  11. Also, in my rpevious post I forgot to ask about the Middle East regional concentration; any feedback on that program? Thanks!
  12. Hi, I had some questions as well. I was accepted to SAIS BC, but denied enrollment into iDev. I have spoken to several SAIS graduates (D.C.) who seem to share more or less the same ideas/stigmas that I see here and I am trying to ascertain whether the limitations on course availability and general lack of concentrations (Africa Studies, specifically) should be harbingers in deciding to attend SAIS. Do you know if it is possible to transfer into iDev, whether in Bologna, or second year in D.C.? Also, while I think SAIS has a stellar reputation across the board, I wanted to see if SAIS BC students feel like the Reputation at BC is not as good. Of course, this is all speculation and the answer will vary greatly from person to person, but I am interested to hear from current BC students. Furthermore, I wanted to know whether SAIS was instrumental at all in helping find Summer internships and or jobs subsequent to the first year in Bologna. An issue I keep on debating is whether a year in Italy (albeit amazing for the cultural/linguistic part) will be a detriment in terms of career development and job placement post-matriculation. Thanks for your help and good luck to everyone!
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