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Everything posted by ChemDude

  1. Yale still didn't send rejections which is weird. It's kinda getting my hopes up. Hope they send something next week.
  2. Has anyone heard from Yale yet? The wait is killing me. I hope they send something this week.
  3. Based on last years results we should expect a rejection next week.
  4. Looks like all the Harvard rejections went out today.
  5. I haven't hear from Yale or Harvard either. I guess I'm rejected. Pretty disappointing, I thought I'd have a chance at least one of Harvard, Princeton or Yale. I'm disappointed I didn't apply to more schools. Oh well.
  6. I'm pretty bummed that I haven't even heard a hoot from Princeton or Yale (or any other school other than UMN). Feels like all the hard work I did over the years seems unappreciated.
  7. Did anyone get into Yale for inorganic?
  8. Yeah, based on the stats of this forum, I noticed that. I didn't have much time for research (other than during the summer).
  9. I've been lurking around this forum since August. I recently got admitted to one of my matches (UMN - Twin Cities)! Undergrad Institution: Small Public Liberal Arts (but a bit known)Major(s): Chemistry, Physics, and MathematicsMinor(s): StatisticsGPA in Major: 4.00 (for chemistry)Overall GPA: 3.99Position in Class: N/AType of Student: (Domestic/International, male/female, minority?) International (US Degree), MaleGRE Scores (revised/old version): Q: 167 (92%)V: 158 (80%)W: 5.0 (93%)S (Chemistry): 760 (68%) - not quite happy about this.Research Experience: 3 summers (all chemistry research) - Two at my college and one at R1 university with well-known organic prof.Awards/Honors/Recognitions: (Within your school or outside?) Several awards from my college - nothing major.Pertinent Activities or Jobs: (Such as tutor, TA, etc...) Multiple ACS national meeting poster presentations, one semester organic lab TA, and one semester chemistry tutoring (going on second semester now).Any Miscellaneous Accomplishments that Might Help: Part of honors program at college and held several leadership positions on campus (not in chemistry though).Special Bonus Points: From a country less represented in US graduate schools? Two excellent recommendations and one (probably) good recommendation.Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter:Applying to Where: Indicated inorganic on official part of app but said interested in both organic and inorganic (more specifically organometallics) in personal statement. Reaches Harvard Princeton Yale Matches UMN - Twin Cities (Accepted!) Purdue Safeties Michigan State WUSTL (I realized too late that this school was a terrible choice due to lack of communication and un-updated sites; my recommenders had already sent their letters at that point, so, I could do nothing. But I'm not too worried anymore since I got into one of my matches!)
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