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Posts posted by MeggoUK

  1. Posting again as I got no responses - have since taken the GRE and narrowed down a list of schools.

    Undergrad Institution: Top 10 UK university for Biology
    Major(s): Molecular and Cellular Biology
    Minor(s): N/A
    GPA in Major: N/A
    Overall GPA: ~3.8 (UK grade: currently First class (Hons))
    Position in Class: N/A, we're not told. 
    Type of Student: International, white, female

    GRE Scores (revised/old version): 
    Q: 154
    V: 161
    W: (Waiting, but should be good)

    Research Experience:

    1. One year full-time at a US univeristy, molecular genetics lab.
    2. Half an academic year, part-time in a developmental genetics lab (dissertation project) at home university.
    3. Spent a short time in a scanning electron microscope lab as volunteer work experience, pre-university.

    Awards/Honors/Recognitions: N/A - No awards are given out until graduation, we don't have any system of academic recognition.
    Pertinent Activities or Jobs:  N/A, except year at US institution as an undergraduate research assistant.
    Any Miscellaneous Accomplishments that Might Help: All I can think is  'Image of the month' at an SEM lab I did work experience at - pretty insignificant. 
    Special Bonus Points:  

    1. Paper in review at Nature Communications (3rd author).
    2. Data persented at a Cold Spring Harbor conference. 
    3. LOR from my PI in US, quite established in his area - his previous PI (still very much in contact) is one of the most well-reknowned and is still at Harvard.
    4. LOR from home university; he is an editor for multiple good genetics journals (not sure how much weight that carries?), has previously written me very strong LORs.

    Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter: LGBT, international?? A UK degree in MCB is more specialised than a US "major", so I will be playing this up in my SOP.

    Applying to Where: Having spoken to my advisor at home university and grad students at US university, they've advised me to apply to top-tier - but I'm not sure how competitive I am (especially being international). Any input would be greatly appreciated!!

    • Harvard BBS
    • MIT Biology
    • Scripps
    • CalTech Biology and Biomedical sciences
    • UCSD Biological sciences (maybe, low international intake)
    • UIC

    I realise this is a top heavy list; UIC is my safety. My GRE quant score isn't great, but I'm hoping my decent overall GRE score (315), high GPA and research experience (esp. high impact publication) will negate this!

  2. Undergrad Institution: Top 10 UK university for Biology
    Major(s): Molecular and Cellular Biology
    Minor(s): N/A
    GPA in Major: 3.8
    Overall GPA: 3.8
    Position in Class: Not sure, this kind of info isn't shared
    Type of Student: International, white, female

    GRE Scores (revised/old version): Haven't taken yet, these are from most recent practice
    Q:  157
    V: 159
    W: 5.0
    B: N/A

    Research Experience: A year of full-time research (undergraduate research assistant) at a university in the US, have a paper in review in Nature Communications (3rd of 4 authors). Additionally, work from this project was presented at Cold Spring Harbor Single Cell Analyses in 2017. I will be undertaking part-time lab work for half a year as part of my dissertation in the fall.
    Awards/Honors/Recognitions: N/A

    Pertinent Activities or Jobs:  N/A
    Any Miscellaneous Accomplishments that Might Help: N/A

    Special Bonus Points:  Letter of recommendation from my PI in the US, is quite established in his area and was the PhD student of one of the most well-reknowned in the research area..

    Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter: N/A (not sure what would apply)

    Applying to Where:
    University of Illinois at Chicago - GEMS (My safe option, almost guaranteed entry)

    UC San Diego 

    I honestly really don't know where to apply; I have a good academic record and my publication will be really strong, however awards etc are not really given at my University which may weaken me. I've had people from my work in the US recommend Ivy League and UC schools but I don't know where I realistically stand!

  3. Hey guys,

    I'm a UK student looking to apply to grad school here in the US. I'm on track to get a 1st in BSc. Biology (Hons), I've seen this stated as equivalent to a 3.7-4.0 GPA, from a top 10 UK school. I also have 1 year of full-time research experience at a school in Chicago, and we are hoping to have a paper on which I would be second/third author out by the time I apply to schools.

    I was wondering where I could find a list of schools that are good in this field? All I've been able to find so far is a list of the top schools in molecular biology, which would all likely be reach schools (e.g. UCSF and Berkeley). Or if you guys have any recommendations for realistic schools? Ideally, I'm looking at schools in/near a big city.

    Not being very familiar with the US system, I'm not sure how competitive of a candidate I would be and any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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