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Everything posted by purifieddrinkingwater

  1. Most of the apartments near the school is priced high as much as over 1000dollars for a studio or one rm+one bathroom... and i thought that's a monthly rent. E.g. viridian by cortland, highland square, woodland, ... I don't need to live in well furnished place and dont mind a small space but i want it to be real safe (gated doors or something equivalent)... Of course people who have insights on this are also invited to the discussion... your help would be much appreciated. I m a country pumpkin never left my parents house before lol.
  2. Also have not heard back from Rochester
  3. Not so far. I m methodology/IR btw.
  4. Are there any more people who have applied to Rochester but not heard back from them yet? Could i ask what your subfield is? I see a plenty of rejection/acceptance/and even waitlist postings on the result page but havent had any notice from them.
  5. Just heard from Caltech their decisions will be sent out no later than March 15.
  6. Waiting on UIUC too. Btw, I carefully wanted to ask people about their thoughts on UIUC, Rochester and Emory... that is, which program do you think is stronger? Per your subfield or polisci in general.
  7. Sorry, i misread the question. Yea, i think both Harvard and Yale tend to announce in the last week of Feb, and caltech even early March.
  8. Harvard, Yale, Caltech, and hopefully it's not that Rochester has sent out all offers...
  9. Could i ask if there's any other who received UIUC admit/waitlist/or rejection?
  10. Thank you. Could you please reply to the post after receiving the official letter?
  11. Wow, wonderful! Congratulations. I am genuinely happy for you since it's such a great program.
  12. Both, IR/methods. Actually MIT is my top choice after Princeton (which i was rejected from). Fingers crossed
  13. Has ucb sent out emails yet?
  14. No, but from the director of admission, who also interviewed me.
  15. Hey, congrats! I am also admitted to Emory and comparativ-ish. I wonder if Emory is a strong contender for you. What else schools do you want to hear from the most?
  16. Comparative & methodology. The professors who interviewed me was not the ones I wrote in my SOP, though!
  17. I had one on the 18th.
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