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Posts posted by elicia

  1. 2 hours ago, Thames said:

    Can someone provide some insight here?

    I am an American and I applied to "Research Grants for Doctoral Candidates and Young Academics (more than 6 months)". Back in January I received notification that there would be a decision meeting in early March and we would hear back within 3 weeks. There was also written that we would hear by the end of March.

    Has anyone else applied to this or seen any change in their application status? It's already 3/28, and I'm going mad with anticipation!

    Of course, technically it is not the end of the month. And I won't write the DAAD office because they explicitly state that we should not e-mail to ask about the deadline/decision process. But, still. Anticipation.  I have checked my e-mail and the portal today with alarming frequency.

    Hey Thames, I applied for the same grant in the US and also have no change in my status. But I called the NY Office a couple of times, and they told me that we should not expect to hear anytime before April (regardless of what the email in January said). Apparently all the applications for long-term grants (including the ones for phd scholarships) are handled/signed off by one person in Bonn office, and there has been a delay due to a great number of applications this year. So don't despair yet. 

  2. 3 hours ago, somethinglike said:

    Just called. They haven't had an update since mid-March (not sure what that means), but results will probably come out by the end of March since they're a couple weeks delayed. 

    Hopefully we'll hear something by next week then 

  3. 58 minutes ago, Luiza N. A. said:

    Short-term research grant



    I called then 2 weeks ago and they said I did not get the fellowship, but that was a no official result. Today my status changed to "selection made" and I got the following email (from bonn):

    "Unfortunately we are not able to award you with a DAAD research scholarship at this point, since we have a limited budget at our disposal. However, our selection committee did review your proposal favorably and recommended you for funding this year.

     Currently, some extra funds for short-term grants have come available, but we are not sure how they will be allocated. We would like you to know, that there is a chance we can fund your proposal. We hope to know more about the funding situation in the next couple of weeks and will notify you as soon as we can of the final decisions in the DAAD portal.
    If you would like to stay in our pool of applicants we don´t need you to do anything, but if you need to withdraw due to other commitments, please let us know. 
    Thanks for your patience: Also: I will not be able to reply to any Emails from you at this point. Thank you for your understanding!"


    My husband got the exact same email today 

  4. 1 hour ago, eli1989 said:

    I have also applied from Iran. My application statue was "preselection made" until Friday. I received an email which asked me to visit DAAD portal, where I received a message indicating my acceptance. I applied for a 9-month research stay but they grant me a 6-month scholarship.

    Congrats on your acceptance! May I ask when was your application deadline? 

  5. Any news from long term research grant applicants? I mean the ones for conducting research in Germany while doing your PhD elsewhere - not the PhD study scholarship. 

  6. On 2/23/2018 at 7:02 PM, somethinglike said:

    I applied for a study scholarship for an MS. I'm in the USA. After I submitted my application, I got this message, "A funding decision will be made at the selection meeting in March 2018 on the basis of the submitted documents. We will inform you of the outcome as a rule approximately within three weeks after the meeting in writing." So I'll have to wait for another month or so. I'm so anxious. 

    Did you receive this message right after submitting your application? I got it months later, which I find weird. 

  7. I applied for the long term research grant (PhD candidate in Sociology). About a week ago I received an email confirming the receipt of my application and saying that the results will be announced in three weeks following the committee meeting in March. 

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