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  1. Semifinalist notifications are out! I'm a semifinalist for Korean, anyone else?
  2. Hello all! Who’s planning on applying this year? How’re everyone’s applications going? I figured I’d get the thread going since it doesn’t look like there’s one for this cycle yet
  3. I'm in the same boat as an alternate! So as far as I know, there are usually at least a few alternates bumped up in most cohorts. It's impossible to guess the likelihood of getting promoted though - it's based on maintaining diversity in the cohort, so for example if someone drops they'd try to replace them with someone from the same state, major, or other similar background. Hopefully the first round of alternate bumps will happen soon - best of luck!
  4. Notifications just dropped! I'm an alternate for Korean - hoping I'll be bumped up, but if not I'm glad to have made it this far LOL. How did everyone else do??
  5. Congrats on reaching semifinalist and good luck! So to answer your question, I looked back at the medical forms from when I first did CLS and it looks like the main requirement is that the person doing your medical eval has to be a "licensed physician (M.D. or D.O.), licensed Physician's Assistant (P.A.) or licensed Nurse Practitioner (N.P.)" so I think as long as whoever you get it done by falls in this category, you should be fine to do the eval abroad. If you're worried though, I'm sure you can email CLS to double check!
  6. Huh, so it must be a brand new thing then. I can see why they would send them out to make the paperwork process after finalist notifications go more smoothly, but I also definitely got a mini heart attack every time I saw CLS show up in my inbox lol
  7. Out of curiosity, are the semifinalist informational videos a new thing they added this year, or have they done it in recent years as well? When I first did CLS in 2018, we didn't get anything in between semi and finalist notifications lol
  8. I got the email today that I'm a semifinalist for Korean! I'm pretty relieved because I wasn't sure how it would shake out since it's been 5 years since I first did CLS ?. Good luck to everyone!
  9. I did Korean! I did apply for Refresh a few years ago but I wasn't selected. I taught English in Korea for a bit before starting grad school too. I feel like that might hurt my chances a bit though since ik they try to give preference to people with not as much previous study abroad experience.
  10. I'm also a second-time applicant with a long gap in between, I did mine in 2018 and now I'm a graduate student thinking of applying again. Best of luck!
  11. Has anyone heard anything on when the academic year results for FLAS will be announced? I know that universities have to wait until the Department of Education announces funding to hand out awards and was curious if anyone has heard anything else about it. I got an email back in April saying it'll be announced sometime from June-August, but haven't gotten any additional info since. I'm getting a little stressed about it lol
  12. Any Korean finalists who are going to the Busan site? Most of the people i've talked to are going to Gwangju
  13. Accepted to Korean!!!!
  14. Hey everyone! I've been accepted as a semifinalist for beginner's Korean. Does anyone know how many out of the semifinalists actually get in (like what percentage or something)?
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