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    Biological Sciences

JenanH's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. I was offered a Smithsonian-Mason PhD fellowship for Environmental Sciences. Granted, I turned down the fellowship for a better offer. Don't know anything about the DA program. Smithsonian is great though.
  2. Has anyone heard from the UMD Biological Sciences program (BEES in particular)?
  3. I got an invite from a POI to attend an interview weekend and his graduate students are in charge of coordinating my visit. They asked me if there are other professors I'd like to meet with, since it's their job to have me meet as many people as possible. Of course, I'm first and foremost interested in the POI who invited me. I don't want to give the impression that I'm looking elsewhere (and I'm not really sure what I'd say to the other professors since I'm not trying to get into their labs) but, I also want to show interest in the department as a whole. On the other hand, I don't want to run into the problem of expressing interest in so many people that I am unable to prepare for each one. (This happened to me previously - 6 interviews with 6 potential POIs in 4 hours. Granted, that school does rotations so it was probably more acceptable.) Has anyone else faced a similar dilemma?
  4. I have offers from two schools: The first is where I got my undergrad degree. I know the faculty there and have a mentor whom I've been working with for the past two years. I have a great PhD project lined up that is precisely in my area of interest and I would be performing this research at a facility where I would love to work someday. This school has a LOT of course requirements for the PhD, many of which will likely not apply to my research and also doesn't have much funding. I would have to teach three labs/semester and in return I would get 6 credits/semester of tuition covered plus $12,000/yr. It would take me 4 years (8 semesters) to finish the course requirements for the PhD if I didn't take more than 6 credits/semester (and I would have to pay for credits in excess of 6). The second school has funding: teach one semester and get 9 credits of tuition covered/semester + $21000/year. The course requirements are basically whatever courses you need for your research. This is a bit of a commute from home but it's doable - I can always move out there when my lease is up in a year. Unfortunately, all of the professors in my area of interest are not accepting students and I have been picked up by an immunology professor. I don't know a thing about immunology but apparently that's okay. This funding is difficult to pass up... but do I really want to switch from repro. bio to immunology? Getting a Masters in immunology is always an option... but I was ideally hoping to go straight for my PhD. Hmmmm.... advice?? (I also wouldn't be doing my research at the place where I imagined myself working 10 years down the line.)
  5. Does anyone know if reviewers look down on applicants who are staying (or are proposing to stay) at the same institution from which they received their Bachelor degree? Looking through the winners (and HMs), I can't help but notice all of the awards that went to students at top schools. (Of course, students at top schools are often very well-qualified and many of those schools require grad students to apply for the GRFP so the proportion might be skewed.) I'm wondering if reviewers are more hesitant to give an award to a student at a smaller/less well-known school than to a student (with the same qualifications) at a large, well-known research institution. Hmm...
  6. It's APRIL!
  7. GMU informed me at the beginning of march that they did not receive a letter of recommendation that I mailed a month prior. I finally have everything sorted out now, phew. Don't give up on GMU though, I know that a number of programs have yet to send out their acceptance letters. I'm hoping to hear this week or next.
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